I-21 Leonid Gibiansky vc-MMAE antibody-drug conjugates: a unified model describes pharmacokinetics of eight different compounds Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-23 Britta Goebel Modeling & Simulation of Long-Term Body Weight Loss during Obesity Pharmacotherapy Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-27 Gopichand Gottipati Item Response Modeling to Leverage Data from Historical Parkinson’s Disease Trials while Integrating Data from a Newer Version of the Clinical Endpoint Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-29 Sylvain Goutelle A nonparametric, multiple-model approach to optimize initial dosing and attainment of a target exposure interval: application to busulfan in pediatrics Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-51 Itziar Irurzun-Arana Attractor analysis of Boolean models for Systems Pharmacology Networks Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-64 Katrine Knøsgaard A model-based approach for joint analysis of pain intensity and opioid consumption in postoperative pain Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-68 Manish Kumar Elucidating metabolic variations in gut microbiota during health and malnutrition based on genome scale metabolic modeling approach Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
II-10 Yasunori Aoki Model Averaging and Selection methods for model structure and parameter uncertainty quantification Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-19 Levy Batista Mixed-effects ARX model identification of dynamical systems Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-22 Roberto Bizzotto Mixed-effect deconvolution: a new method applied to oral paracetamol absorption Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-38 Letizia Carrara Methods and tools for multiscale modelling in Systems Pharmacology: a review Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
III-06 Kurt Long Identification of causal pathways determining the relationship between pathogen-specific infection and impaired growth among children < 59 months in Mirzapur, Bangladesh Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-13 Victor Mangas-Sanjuan Exploring Inter-study variability in the context of modeling unperturbed xenograft data Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-18 Emma Martin Modelling based methods to account for dropout in xenograft experiments Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-41 Stine Timmermann Ottesen Analysing the contribution to receptor occupancy from active metabolites Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-53 Thomas Peyret A mechanistic maternal-fetal growth energy budget model Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-58 Manuel Prado-Velasco Bridging the gap between open and specialized modelling tools in PBPK/PK/PD with PhysPK/EcosimPro modelling system: PBPK model of methotrexate and 6-mercaptopurine in humans with focus in reusability and multilevel modelling features Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-74 Yue Ruan Bayesian hierarchical model of glucose-insulin regulation over 12-week home use of closed-loop insulin delivery Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
IV-06 Johannes Schropp Development and implementation of drug-drug interaction mechanisms with target-mediated drug disposition Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-07 Partho Sen Identification of foods with optimal nutritional value through data mining. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-15 Spyros Stamatelos High-Resolution Image-based Computational Modeling of Breast Tumor Microvasculature Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-31 Michel Tod Comparison of the mechanistic static in vivo approach to a PBPK approach for prediction of metabolic drug-drug interactions. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-41 Vladimir Vainstein Dose translation of a hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome protection agent (recombinant human Interleukin-12) to humans. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-42 Pyry Välitalo A mathematical method assessing the informativeness of total test score on the basis of an item response theory model: A case study on pain in children Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-43 Willem van den Brink Finding underlying longitudinal patterns in pharmaco-metabolomics data Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-46 Michiel Van Esdonk Development of a semi-population deconvolution method for the analysis of growth hormone profiles Thursday 14:40-16:00 |