Conference location and dates
The PAGE meeting takes place in an informal atmosphere with vivid scientific discussion. PAGE 2025 will be held at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall. The meeting is preceded by registration and a welcome reception on Tuesday evening 3 June 2025. The scientific programme will start on Wednesday morning 4 June 2025 and will end at noon on Friday 6 June 2025. Participants are encouraged to attend all conference days and present their work in the form of an oral presentation or poster.
Preliminary programme items:
- Special oral abstract topic this year: MIDD: Innovations, Successes and Lessons Learned
Evidence generated by integrating nonclinical and clinical data, prior information, and knowledge (drug and disease characteristics) via the use of M&S methods is routinely used to inform drug development and decision-making by drug developers. However, successfully using model-based evidence in interaction with regulatory authorities may be more challenging. This challenge exists for well-established Model-Informed Drug Development (MIDD)methods such as exposure-response, as well as for other approaches, such as disease progression modeling, QSP, model-based meta-analyses or methods based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. We are inviting abstracts for oral presentations on case studies where model-based evidence was an important component of the totality of evidence supporting the submission dossier, whether the submission was a success or a failure, to share lessons learned within our scientific community. Priorities will be given to more innovative MIDD submissions. Oral abstract submissions on this topic are very welcome!
- The Lewis Sheiner Student Session
In 2005, the PAGE organizing committee inaugurated the annual Lewis Sheiner Student Session, both to honour the memory of Lewis Sheiner and to highlight his lifetime passion for student education. Students who wish to be considered for this session should submit an extended abstract.
- The abstract must be structured with the following subheadings: Objectives / Methods / Results / Conclusion / References.
- There must be at least 6,000 but not more than 7,000 characters (including spaces) in the abstract text (excluding Title / Authors/ Affiliation and References).
- The submitted work must have been performed either as part of an MSc or PhD programme and/or will ultimately form part of a PhD thesis.
- Each year a rotating committee of three members, representative of the PAGE community, will judge who should receive the honor of presenting in the Lewis Sheiner Student Session. The committee consists of one volunteering member of the PAGE Scientific Organising Committee (SOC), or Advisors, and the other 2 members are nominated by the SOC/Advisors and are regular PAGE participants who have made substantial contributions to PAGE in the past. Diversity and inclusiveness in representation are prioritized by the SOC/Advisors when constituting the review committee annually.
- If selected, the student will automatically receive a 300€ travel grant. A permanent list of students, with links to their presentation, will be maintained on the web site.
- The Stuart Beal Methodology Session
As a tribute to Stuart Beal, there is a Stuart Beal Methodology Session. The organizing committee will choose presenters from the submitted abstracts.
The abstract submission deadline is Monday 10 March 2025, and is the same for all submitted abstracts (Lewis Sheiner Student Session, orals, and posters) and there will be no option for late submissions. In practice, this means that any new abstract entered the system after 23:59 CET on 10 March 2025 will be removed by the system administrator. The PAGE organising committee cares about the quality of all abstracts, and sufficient time is required for judging them.
Satellite Meetings and Virtual Events
If you are interested in organising a satellite meeting, please contact the Organising Secretariat AFEA at pagemeeting2025@afeacongress.gr . Please note that PAGE itself is not involved in organising satellite workshops or booking venues, etc, and satellite meetings cannot be booked through the PAGE website
AFEA Congress, the Professional Congress Organizer for 2025, has secured a variety of hotels for the PAGE meeting, which range from luxurious to more standard accommodations at preferential rates for PAGE attendees. For your reservation please click here.
For reservation pre and post the meeting, please contact the Meeting Secretariat.
As June is a high season, and rooms will be booked on a first-come first serve basis, we kindly advise all the delegates to proceed with their bookings well in advance.
PAGE Student Sponsorship
A PAGE Student Sponsorship to support travel and accommodation expenses will be made available to a number of students unable to obtain any other financial support. Registrations fees must be paid by students before applying for the travel grand. Applications will be judged on a case-by-case basis by a selection committee. A form with criteria and details on how to apply can be downloaded from here.
Applications need to be submitted no later than 10 March 2025, so don't leave it too late and make sure you receive confirmation of receipt when sending your application.
Registration for PAGE 2025 will open January 20th 09.00 CET time.
Please keep our database up to date by editing your existing profile if required!
- If you've forgotten your password, a reminder can be requested automatically from the website by e-mail.
- If you've forgotten your password and changed your e-mail address, then please contact the PAGE admin team (admin@page-meeting.org).
- Updates of personal details on the website are confirmed automatically by email. Note that if you do not receive confirmation, you should check that your e-mail address is correctly entered in the designated field.
Registration fees and payment
Registration fees for 2025 are as follows:
- Industry participants: €675 / £575
- Academic participants: €450 / £380
- Student participants
- With poster: €75 / £65
- Without poster: €135 / £115
Registration fees are non-refundable even for reasons of force majeure.
Fees include coffee, tea and lunch on all days and the social event on 5th of June.
Additionally, please note that registration fees do not include the Welcome Reception, which will take place on Tuesday, 3rd June, at 20:00 at Megaron Concert hall. Should you wish to attend the Welcome Reception, an extra ticket needs to be purchased. The cost for the Welcome Reception ticket is 60€ per person.
Participant places are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Registration fees must be paid at the PAGE website within 14 days of registration. Failure to meet this deadline will automatically place your registration on the waiting list.
Students wishing to qualify for the student registration fee will need to upload, at the time of registration, a scanned copy of a signed letter of support from their supervisor indicating that they will be full time students in an MSc or PhD programme at the time of the PAGE meeting, and a scan of their current student card. If this information (and an abstract if applicable) is not available at the time of the abstract deadline (10 March 2025), non-reduced fees will be charged.
Cancellation policy
No refunds will be given once the registration fee has been paid, not even in the extremely unlikely event that the meeting is cancelled due to force majeure. Substitution of delegates will be accepted at any time.
Software demonstrations and exhibitor spaces
Software companies, academic software application developers and contract research organisations are welcome to present their products and services during PAGE. Software that is both non-commercial and open-source can be demonstrated without charge. Those interested in this option, please contact admin@page-meeting.org for further information and booking.
Visa requirements and letters of invitation
Greece is a member of the European Union and is a signatory to the Schengen agreement; EU and Swiss citizens do not require a visa to enter Greece, a passport or ID card is sufficient. Non-EU citizens are kindly advised to check entry requirements at the website . If a visa is necessary, it is recommended to begin the application procedure at least two months before the travel date.
Professional Congress Organizer
Telf. (+30) 2103668853-895-833
Email: pagemeeting2025@afeacongress.gr
For matters related to payment of registration fees and abstracts: admin@page-meeting.org