II-01 Esther Encinas Population pharmacokinetic modelling of the antihistamine bilastine in children within the context of a model informed paediatric drug development approach Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-02 Aline Engbers Pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen in very preterm infants with patent ductus arteriosus Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-03 Elvira Erhardt Bayesian knowledge integration for an in vitro–in vivo correlation (IVIVC) model Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-04 Ruben Faelens Benefits of TDM in clinical management: a test case in infliximab for ulcerative colitis Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-05 Dzhem Farandzha Tacrolimus Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis with Pmetrics in Infants after Liver Transplantation – preliminary data. Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-06 Felix Held Bayesian hierarchical model of oscillatory cortisol response during drug intervention Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-07 Kevin Feng Selecting in vitro dissolution tests using population pharmacokinetic modelling to help bioequivalence studies Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-08 Yan Feng A Mixture Tumor Growth Dynamic (TGD) Model to Describe Differential Patterns of Longitudinal Tumor Response of Advanced Melanoma Patients Treated with Ipilimumab Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-09 Fernandez Teruel Carlos Drug exposure / response model for neutropenia with lurbinectedin in cancer patients Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-10 Martin Fink Informative study designs: The value of within-subject dose-escalation in the 'Espresso design' Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-11 Chiara Fornari Development of a haematopoiesis systems pharmacology model for prediction of carboplatin induced bone marrow toxicity Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-12 Jose Francis AADAC gene polymorphism and HIV infection affect the exposure of Rifapentine: a population pharmacokinetics analysis Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-13 Thomas Frank LaTeX-based report writing: 10 years’ experience from Sanofi’s M&S group in Germany Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-14 Sebastian Frechen A technical concept of automatic PBPK platform (re-)qualification in the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite (PK-Sim® and MoBi®) Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-15 Matthias Frei Distinguishing myelosupressive response of a paclitaxel –radium-223 combination using a model-based analysis of an individual cross-over phase-Ib trial in cancer patients with bone lesions Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-16 Svetlana Freiberga Understanding sources of variability: The variability attribution plot Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-17 Nicolas Frey Bridging from Intravenous to Subcutaneous Formulation of Tocilizumab for Optimal Dose Regimens in Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-18 Fiona G. Gao Prediction of human pharmacokinetics of subcutaneously administered depot formulation using MBPK model Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-19 Silke Gastine Nonparametric Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modelling of Posaconazole Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-20 Florence Gattacceca Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic (PKPD) model of Rilpivirine in HIV-1-infected patients treated with the single-tablet regimen rilpivirine/tenofovir/emtricitabine Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-21 Wei Gao Viral Dynamics Model Predicts Clinical Efficacy in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infected Patients Using Viral Kinetic Data from Phase 1 Studies Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-22 Glenn Gauderat Reversing resistance to anticancer treatment supported by pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling of tumor growth kinetics in xenograft mice Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-23 Francois Gaudreault Model based Phase 2 Dose Selection of BIIB059 in Subjects with Systemic and Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (SLE and CLE) Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-24 Kamunkhwala Gausi methodological characterization of qt/qtc in children with severe malaria anaemia receiving arthemether-lumefantrine preceded by quinine Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-25 Anna Georgieva Kondic Integrated novel modelling framework for evaluating the efficacy and cost effectiveness of novel pharmaceutical agents in stroke prevention Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-26 Eva Germovsek An exposure-response model relating nicotine plasma concentration to momentary craving across different nicotine replacement therapy formulations Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-27 Anais Glatard Population pharmacokinetic model of amisulpride for individual dosing in psychiatric patients Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-28 Nathalie Gobeau Model-based informed screening of antimalarial combinations Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-29 Nele Goeyvaerts Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic of a Toll-Like-Receptor 7 (TLR7) Agonist that Induces IP-10 and ISG15 in Cynomolgus Monkeys Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-30 Antonio Goncalves Modelling hepatitis B kinetics in mice treated by a novel TLR-7 agonist, alone or in combination with entecavir Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-31 Ignacio Gonzalez-Garcia Exploration of different scenarios using a drug exposure-response model of Lurbinectedin Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-32 Kosalaram Goteti Drug-disease model describing the effect of intraarticular injected sprifermin on cartilage thickness measured by magnetic resonance imaging in osteoarthritis patients Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-33 Verena Gotta Modelling urea clearance in pediatric and young adult patients on chronic hemodialysis Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-34 Sebastiaan Goulooze Supervised item response theory modelling improves prediction of iatrogenic withdrawal in children Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-35 Silvia Grandoni Evaluating the inclusion of the particle size distribution in the lung dissolution model of a WB-PBPK model to describe the pharmacokinetics of inhaled polydisperse drugs. Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-36 Hans Peter Grimm PK Projections for Therapeutic Proteins in Entry Into Human Studies: Roche pRED Experience From 2004 to 2016 Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-37 Ana-Marija Grisic Towards a comprehensive PK/PD model of infliximab in inflammatory bowel diseases, with support of prior knowledge Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-38 Felix Hammann Whole-body physiology pharmacokinetic modeling of flip-flop behavior of oral oxycodone solution in pediatric patients 5-16 years old Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-39 Niklas Hartung A size- and location-structured model for pulmonary absorption, elimination and dissolution of an orally inhaled drug Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-40 Emilie Hénin Individual therapeutic monitoring strategy of a factor IX concentrate (OCTAFIX ®) for prophylaxis in patients with haemophilia B, using population modelling approaches Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-41 Andrea Henrich Mixed effects modeling of concentration-QT relationships: first experiences with the new white paper Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-42 Eef Hoeben Modelling the Transfer of Sildenafil Across the Placenta with Data of an Ex-Vivo Human Placenta Perfusion Experiment Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-43 Nick Holford Using Biomarkers to Predict the Target Dose of Warfarin and Linezolid Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-44 Richard Hooijmaijers ShinyMixR: A project-centric R/Shiny run management tool for nlmixr Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-45 Andrew Hooker Computation of the geometric mean and variance of the AUC using polynomial chaos Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-46 Joy Hsu Population Pharmacokinetic and Exposure-Efficacy/Safety Analyses for the Confirmation of Alectinib 600 mg BID Dose Regimen in the Global ALK Inhibitor-Naïve Population Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-47 Wilhelm Huisinga Cell-level based tumor cPBPK model to study mAb distribution within solid tumors and implications for efficacious treatment Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-48 Hwi-yeol Yun Accurate and Precise Prediction of in-vivo hepatic clearance for drug with low KM Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-49 Moustafa M. A. Ibrahim Model-based post-processing of CWRES for assessment of prediction bias Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-50 Ibrahim Ince A Population Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model for prediction of pharmacokinetics of small molecule drugs in healthy Japanese adults: Bridging PBPK from Caucasian to Japanese ethnicity Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-51 Mohamed Ismail An open source software solution for automating pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model selection Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-52 Julie Janssen Semi-physiological Pharmacokinetics of Bortezomib in Pediatric Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-53 David Janzén Estimating absolute bioavailability in population models despite lacking IV data Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-54 Petra Jauslin Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Tildrakizumab, an Anti-IL-23 Antibody, in Healthy Volunteers and Subjects with Psoriasis Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-55 Garrit Jentsch A repeated time-to-event model is superior to a count regression analysis in linking FVIII activity to bleeding events in prophylactically treated patients with severe haemophilia A Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-56 Jane Knöchel Focusing on the essential dynamics of systems pharmacology models by exploiting an input-response characterisation Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-57 Martin Johnson Artificial neural networks can facilitate the analysis and prediction of longitudinal tumour size data: an example from a non-small cell lung cancer phase III study Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-58 Koen Jolling Population pharmacokinetic modelling of CHF6001 following dry powder inhalation in healthy volunteers. Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-59 Fredrik Jonsson Exposure-Response Modeling of Emicizumab for the Prophylaxis of Bleeding in Hemophilia A Patients Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-60 Niclas Jonsson Increasing the efficiency of the covariate search algorithm in the SCM Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-61 Siv Jonsson Sample size for detection of drug effect using item level and total score models for Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale data Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-62 Felix Jost Gauss-Newton algorithm for parameter estimation of nonlinear mixed-effects models Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-63 Astrid Jullion Dosing Regimen selection supported by population PKPD model of thrombocytopenia Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-64 Yunseob Jung A population pharmacokinetic model of methotrexate in Korean people Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-65 Fabian Jung Evaluation of release techniques for nanocarriers on the basis of IVIVC-PBPK modeling Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-66 Tobias Kanacher Development of a whole body physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for inhaled salmeterol to predict interactions with CYP3A4 inhibitors Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-67 Iasonas Kapralos Population Pharmacokinetics of Anidulafungin in ICU patients Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-68 Eleni Karatza Mathematical modeling of gastric emptying: a joint model for losartan and its active metabolite EXP-3174 Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-69 Yuri Kheifetz Integral individualized model of hematopoiesis explains and predicts joint dynamics of thrombocytes, granulocytes and lymphocytes under different chemotherapeutic and adjuvant treatments scenarios Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-70 Yun Kim A population pharmacokinetic analysis of voriconazole according to CYP2C19 phenotype in healthy subjects and patients Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-71 Yu Kyong Kim A Prospective Population Pharmacokinetic Study for Recommendation of Prophylactic Fluconazole Dosage Regimen in Preterm Infants Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-72 Hyungsub Kim Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling of 10% intravenous immunoglobulin and glucocorticoids for adult patients with immune thrombocytopenia Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-73 Anne Kümmel Building predictive longitudinal PKPD models of antimalarial combinations with Phase 2b data Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-74 Franziska Isabelle Kluwe Joint model for the characterisation of cefuroxime pharmacokinetics in synovial fluid, interstitial fluid of muscle tissue and plasma Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-75 Wojciech Krzyzanski Implementation of delay differential equations in NONMEM Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-76 Gilbert Koch Characterization of postnatal sodium fluctuation in very preterm neonates Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |
II-77 Catherine Sherwin Tacrolimus population pharmacokinetics in paediatric kidney transplant patients Wednesday 15:50-17:20 |