1998 - Wuppertal - Germany

1998 - Wuppertal - Germany

Friday June 19
08:00-08:40 Registration and coffee
08:40-09:00 Welcome and Introduction
  Oral session I Compliance and non-parametric modelling chair: Leon Aarons
09:00-09:30 J.M. Gries Estimation of individual pharmacokinetic parameters in the presence of possible non-compliance
09:30-10:00 D. Verotta Mechanistic and non-mechanistic drug dynamics modeling
10:00-11:30 Poster and software session I
  Oral session II Regulatory perspective chair: Janet Wade
11:30-12:00 R. Shah Limitations of population approaches in regulatory assessment of new chemical entities.
12:00-12:30 J. Wade Miscellaneous regulatory information
12:30-14:00 Lunch
  Oral session III Clinical applications chair: Karin Fattinger
14:00-14:20 M. McFadyen Clinical versus statistical significance in covariate selection
14:20-14:40 R. Gomeni Circadian population pharmacokinetics of 5-Fluorouracil in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
14:40-15:00 K. Kozlowski Semi-population model for analysis of infusable immunoglobin-G pharmacokinetics in VLBW infants
15:00-15:20 S. Marshall Do we require the population approach to dose adjust in renal impairment?: A case study with dofetilide
15:20-16:10 Coffee/Tea
  Oral session IV Methodology chair: Mats Karlsson
16:10-16:30 S. Duffull Comparison of a semiparametric method with NONMEM for population analysis of simulated data
16:30-17:00 J. Wakefield The analysis of ordinal pharmacodynamic data: application to allergy score
17:00-17:30 G. Graham A bayesian analysis of categorical and count pharmacodynamic data
19:00- 00:10 Social event Gut Höhne
Saturday June 20
  Oral session V Methodology chair: Nick Holford
09:00-09:20 M. Karlsson An automated stepwise covariate model building procedure within NONMEM
09:20-09:40 R. Schoemaker Estimating potency for the Emax-model without attaining maximal effects
09:40-10:00 S. Laporte What is the relevance of estimating inter-study variability in population pharmacokinetic meta-analysis?
10:00-10:30  J.L. Steimer  Mixed-effects modelling and simulation of the Dose-AUC relationship of saquinavir in healthy subjects and HIV-positive patients (II)
10:30-12:00 Poster and software session II
  Oral session VI Clinical trial simulation chair: Christian Pobel
12:00-12:30 J. Mandema Dose ranging trials in detrusor instability with Tolterodine
12:30-13:00 N. Holford Clinical Pharmacology = Disease Progress + Drug Action. The role of clinical trial modelling, simulation and analysis using the population PKPD approach
13:00-13:30 M. Berahee An integrated population PK-PD model characterising the time course of exposure and clinical endpoints (biochemical, physiological and haemodynamics) for 546C88, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, in patients with septic shock
13:30-13:40 Closure followed by light lunch

Poster session I
GE Blakey, P McCormack, ADP Dean, N Entwistle An exploratory population pharmacokinetic analysis examining the influence of demography and co-medication on the plasma clearance of the anti-epileptic remacemide
S Chabaud, P Girard, P Nony , C. Laveille, JP Boissel PK-PD model of ivabradine, a bradzcardic agent, and ets metabolite in healthz volunteers
F Ezzet Population pharmacokinetics and therapeutic response of artemether following treatment of coartem in malaria patients
N Frey, M Dubar, JMA van Gervan, R Jochemsen Population pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of rilmenidine in 27 hypertensive patients
JM Lanao, S Romano, MM Fdez De Gatta, MV Calvo, D Caballero, A Dominguez-Gil Population pharmacokinetics of amikacin in hematologic patients
P McCormack, L Aarons, N Yeates, M Nassim, J Gardner, M Russell Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of AR-C69931MX a novel P2T antagonist in healthy male and female volunteers
P Mismetti, S Laporte, P Girard, H Decousus Indirect pharmacodynamic model with two different markers of oral antocoagulant in young healthy volunteers
D Santos Buelga, G Frutos, MJ Garcia, MJ Otero, A Dominguez-Gil Optimization of a population pharmacokinetic model of theophylline in adult patients
N Simon, E Fuseau, P Daley-Yates Fluticasone propionate pharmacokinetics in asthma patients when administered alone or in combination to salmeterol
N Taright, F Mentré, P Engrand, F Loumaye, I Trinchard-Lugan, A Munafo Population pharmacokinetics of recombinant human luteinising hormone in patients
M Costa, E Berno, GP Zara, C Della Pepa, R Canaparo, M Eandi A non-parametric population PK/PD analysis of tolcapone to predict L-Dopa plasma concentrations

Poster session II
MJ García, D Santos Buelga, MJ Otero, B Blanco, AC Falcão, A Domínguez-Gil Therapeutic drug monitoring of antiepileptic drugs; can we use tdm data to estimate population pharmacokinetic parameters?
P Ghahramani, WW Yeo, GT Tucker Use of NONMEM to determine the influence of CYP2D6 activity on the pharmacokinetics of amitriptyline and nortriptyline
G Hempel, MO Karlsson, DP de Alwis, J McNay, N Toublanc, HG Schaefer Population PK/PD Modelling of 24h-Ambulatory Blood Pressure Data using NONMEM
M Van Guilder, R Leary, A Schumitzky, X Wang, S Vinks, R Jelliffe Nonlinear nonparametric population modeling on a supercomputer
I Meineke Modelling interoccasion variability after repeated oral drug administration
Y Merlé, E Schmautz, A Mallet Assessment of two strategies for detecting pharmacodynamic interactions in the context of the npml approach; Role of the design and of the interindividual variability
I Nestorov, L Aarons, M Rowland A population approach to the study of structure-pharmacokinetic relationships: An example with a homologous series of barbiturates
L Nguyen, P Variol, B Tranchand, C Puozzo Population pharmacokinetics of Navelbine : Model set up from phase I data and Validation of a limiting sampling strategy
P Noertersheuser, S Ghani, S Kreis Evaluation of the dose / concentration / response relationship of an antithrombotic acting development drug, performed with NONMEM and P - PHARM
U Wählby, EN Jonsson, MO Karlsson A stepwise procedure for interindividual variability model building
P Williams, J Lane, E Capparelli, C Turkel Computer Simulation: A Useful Tool for Trial Dosage Selection
