1996 - Sandwich - UK

1996 - Sandwich - UK

Friday June 14
08:15-08:45 Registration and coffee
08:45-09:00 Welcome and Introduction
  Session I Free Communications Chair: Pascal Girard
09:00-09:20 Rudy Port Estimating individual pretreatment levels of a pharmacologic response variable
09:20-09:40 Willi Weber Leflunomide population pharmacokinetics and its interaction with activated charcoal/cholestyramine
09:40-10:00 M. Audran A population pharmacodynamics model of recombinant human erythropoietin in athletes
10:00-10:20 Michel Tod Comparison of ED, EID, API and Bayesian-API criteria for the robust optimization of sampling times in pharmacokinetics
10:20-11:00 Coffee Break, Poster Session I, Software Demonstrations
  Session II Drug Development Chair: René Bruno
11:00-11:30 Eliane Fuseau Population pharmacokinetics - an industrial viewpoint
11:30-12:00 Janet Wade Presentation Of Population Analyses For Regulatory Submissions
12:00-12:20 Mats Karlsson A population PK/PD model for the anti-Parkinsonian triple therapy: levodopa (LD), dopadecarboxylase (DDC) inhibitor and catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) inhibitor
12:20-13:40 Lunch
  Session III Software I Chair: Ferdie Rombout
13:40-14:10 Stuart Beal A preview of NONMEM version V
14:10-14:15 Alison Thomson Short introduction to data set
14:15-14:35 Niclas Jonsson Xpose
14:35-15:05 Roberto Gomeni Visual NM
15:05-15:50 Coffee break, Poster Session II, Software Demonstration
  Session IV Software II Chair: Alain Mallet
15:50-16:20 Guenther Strehlau POPKAN
16:20-16:50 Pascal Girard P-Pharm
20:00-24:00 Social Evening  
Saturday June 15
  Session V Methodology Chair: Jean-Louis Steimer
09:00-09:45 Stuart Beal Simulating PK/PD trials
09:45-10:30 France Mentré Optimal design in population pharmacokinetics
10:30-11:15 Coffee break, Poster Session III, Software Demonstration
  Session VI Methodology/Clinical Applications Chair: Willi Weber
11:15-11:45 Pascal Girard A population markov model for analyzing dose history
11:45-12:15 Pascal Maire Individualized Drug Therapy and Population Modeling
12:15-12:35 Christian Pobel Neural network prediction of dose and pk parameters values from a population approach point of view
12:35-12:55 Farkad Ezzet Inter-occasion variation in the bioavailability of Benflumetol (an anti malarial drug)
12:55 Closing Statements


- D. de Alwis, L. Aarons
The population pharmacokinetics of ondansetron: a covariate analysis
- F. Mentre, E. Comets, F. Pousset, B. Plaud, B. Diquet, G. Montalescot, A. Ankri, A. Mallet, Ph. Lechat
Population pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of fluindione in patients
- D. Santos Buelga, M.J. Garcia Sanchez, A.C. Falcao, M.E. Mendez, A. Dominguez-Gil.
Population pharmacokinetics of tobramycin in neonates
- C. Pobel, D. Breilii, M.C. Saux, S. Demare, J.N. Parola
A population pharmacokinetic study of ciprofloxacine penetration into lung tissue
- M.L. McFadyen, M.P. Majola, R. Nair, M. Govender, H. Laher
The relationship of phenytoin concentrations to gingival hyperplasia
- Z. Hussein, C.J. Eaves, D.B. Hutchinson, C.J. Canfield
Population pharmacokinetics of proguanil in patients with acute P. falciparum malaria after combined therapy with atovaquone

- R.C. Schoemaker, J. Burggraaf, A.F. Cohen
Assessment of liver blood flow using a continuous infusion of a drug with high hepatic clearance
- C. Laveille, F. Le coz, G. Lerebours, G. Resplandy, R. Jochemsen
Population pharmacokinetics of a new bradycardic agent in healthy male volunteers: influence of food and time of administration
- V. Piotrovskij, E. Snoek, A. van Peer
Liarozole population pharmacokinetics at the steady state
- T. Bouillon, D. Kietzmann, I. Meineke, R. Port, A. Hoeft
Pharmacokinetics of piritramide in patients undergoing elective surgery
- P.Milligan, M.Karlsson, D.Nichols
Experiences with CYP2D6 polymorphism in clinical drug development
- H. Schmid, G. Strehlau
Probability Statements about predicted kinetic/dynamic profiles in population analyses

- F. Ezzet
Population pharmacokinetics of Valsartan
- N.J. Bruce, A.H. Thomson, N. Undre, P. Stadler, H.L. Elliott
Assesment of Covariate Relationships in the Analysis of the Population Pharmacokinetics of Tacrolimus.
- M. Gardmark, M.O. Karlsson, M. Hammarlund-Udenaes
A pharmacodynamic model for morphine incorporating acute tolerance and M3G interactions
- L. Nguyen, G. Bastian, F. Doz, S. Urien, B. Peng, E. Chatelut, A.V. Boddy, D.R. Newell, H. Rubie, G. Houin, P. Canal
Prospective evaluation of a formula to predict carboplatin clearance in children
- S. Urien
MP2 (V2.0) A Windows application for population pharmacokinetics
- N.J. Rahman, J.C. Wakefield, C. Falcoz
Incorporation of population pharmacokinetic principles into drug development
