Yumi Emoto, Satofumi Iida, Hidenobu Aso, Haruki Kinoshita Evaluation of Population PK/PD for Osteoporosis during a Vitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) Derivative Therapy
Ron J Keizer(1), Anthe S Zandvliet(2), Alwin DR Huitema(1) A simple infrastructure and graphical user interface (GUI) for distributed NONMEM analysis on standard network environments
C Solas (1), MC Gagnieu (2), I Ravaux (3), MP Drogoul (4), A Lafeuillade (5), S Mokhtari (6), B Lacarelle (1) and N Simon (1). Population Pharmacokinetics of Atazanavir in HIV-infected Patients
Francois Mercier, Amy Racine Simulation and evaluation of bivariate Beta distribution for interval response variables
C.M.T. Sherwin (1, 2), N.J. Medlicott (2), R. Broadbent (1), D.M. Reith (1). Simulation and development of a netilmicin extended dosing regimen for extremely premature neonates.
Mike Dunlavey Simplified programming of population model user interfaces
Zhao W (1), Baudouin V (2), Zhang D (1) and Jacqz-Aigrain E (1) Population Pharmacokinetics of Ganciclovir Following Oral Administration of its Prodrug Valganciclovir in Pediatric Renal Transplant Patients
K. Kuester(1,3), A. Kovar(2), C. Lüpfert(2), B. Brockhaus(2), C. Kloft(1,3) Matuzumab – Evaluation of the Population Pharmacokinetic Model and Analyses of the Covariate Impact on the Pharmacokinetic Profile
Nabil Semmar, Saik Urien, Bernard Bruguerolle and Nicolas Simon Independent-model diagnostics for a priori identification and interpretation of outliers from a full pharmacokinetic database: correspondence analysis, Mahalanobis distance and Andrews curves
G. Ferron (a), L. Klumpers (b), Joop van Gerven(b), and C. Roy (a) PK and PK/PD modeling of CB1 blocker antagonism of THC induced CNS and Heart Rate effect
M. Frank (1), A. Kunz (2), G. Harms (2), C. Kloft (1) Nevirapine - Population pharmacokinetic model building and simulation for mothers and newborns
RJ Keizer (1), MK Zamacona (2), M Jansen (2), DJ Critchley (2), J Wanders (2), JH Beijnen (1,4), JHM Schellens (3,4), ADR Huitema (1) Population PK-PD modeling of E7820 and α2-integrin expression on platelets in patients with solid tumors and lymphomas
Ihab G. Girgis, Jeremy Hing, Partha Nandy, Filip De Ridder, and Surya Mohanty Bayesian Modeling of QT Interval: Focus on Baseline Measurements
Phey Yen Han, Carl MJ Kirkpatrick, Bruce Green Informative Study Designs to Identify True Parameter-Covariate Relationships
Soren Klim, Stig Mortensen and Henrik Madsen Linear Mixed Effects models based on Stochastic Differential Equations in R
F T Musuamba (1), J L Bosmans(2), J J Senessael (3), J Cumps (1), P Wallemacq (4) and R K Verbeeck (1) Limited sampling formulas and bayesian estimation for mycophenolic acid 12 hours Area Under the concentration-time Curve prediction in Stable renal transplant recipients co-medicated with cyclosporine or sirolimus
F.T. Musuamba(1), I. Delattre(1), P.F. Laterre(3), J. Cumps(4), F. Jacobs(5), R.K. Verbeeck(2 )and P. Wallemacq(1) Simultaneous Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Of Amikacin And Beta-Lactams In Intensive Care Unit Patients With Severe Sepsis Or Septic Shock Without Beta-Lactam Serum Concentration Monitoring
Brigitte Lacroix(1), Philipp von Rosenstiel(2), Maria Laura Sargentini-Maier(1) Population Pharmacokinetics of Brivaracetam in Patients with Partial Epilepsy
Clare Gaynor (1), Adrian Dunne (1) and John Davis (2) A Differential Equations Approach to In Vitro – In Vivo Correlation Modelling in NONMEM
Leonid Gibiansky Parameter Estimates of Population Models: Comparison of Nonmem Versions and Estimation Methods
Leonid Gibiansky (1), Ekaterina Gibiansky (2),Tarundeep Kakkar (3), Peiming Ma(3) Approximations of the Target-Mediated Drug Disposition Model and Identifiability of Model Parameters
Rogier R. Press Optimizing Calcineurin Inhibitor Exposure In De Novo Kidney Transplant Recipients
Leonid Gibiansky (1), Tarundeep Kakkar (2), Peiming Ma (2) Application of Identifiability Analysis Algorithm to Population PK of the Drug with Target-Mediated Drug Disposition
O. Lillin-de Vries, T. Kerbusch, P-J. de Kam, N. Ivgy-May, R. Bursi A population analysis on the effects of the CYP2D6 deficiency on pharmacokinetics and exposure of esmirtazapine in healthy volunteers.
Rik de Greef (1), Lena E. Friberg (2), Sunny Chapel (3), Matthew M. Hutmacher (3), Marita Prohn (1), Alan Maloney (4), Thomas Kerbusch (1), Mats O. Karlsson (2), Carl C. Peck (5) Modeling and Simulation to Integrate Efficacy and Safety Data Following Full Development: a Case Study in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
Bart Laurijssens1, Andreas Krause2, Lutz Harnisch3 Model-Based Analysis of a Longitudinal Binary Response as the Primary Analysis for a Phase II Study in Migraine Prophylaxis.
J. Smeets(1), B. Ploeger(1), A. Strougo(1), L. Liefaard(1), T. Kerbusch(2) A Mechanism-based Pharmacokinetic Model Describing the Interaction Between Sugammadex and Rocuronium in Patients with Normal and Impaired Renal Function
Susan Willavize Dose Selection for Combination Drug Products
Susan Willavize(1) , Ruolun Qiu (1), Marc Gastonguay (2) Using M&S to Shorten the Repeating Cycle of the Early Drug Development Process: A Case Study
Mariska Y.M. Peeters(1), Karel Allegaert(2), Heleen Blussé van Oud-Alblas(3,4), Massimo Cella(5), Dick Tibboel(4), Meindert Danhof(5), Catherijne A.J. Knibbe(1,4,5) Predictive Value of Allometric Scaling for Estimation of Propofol Clearance in Neonates, Infants and Adolescents
Xu (Steven) Xu and Partha Nandy Exposure-Response Analysis of Adverse Events in Clinical Trials Using Zero-Inflated Poisson Modeling With NONMEM®.
Elena Soto(1), Alexander Staab(2), Christiane Tillmann(2), Dirk Trommeshauser(2), Holger Fritsch(2), Gerd Munzert(2) and Iñaki F. Trocóniz(1) A semi-mechanistic population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model for neutropenia following therapy with the new PLK-1 inhibitor BI 2536 and its application in clinical development
Justin J Wilkins, Aurélie Gautier, Phil J Lowe Bioequivalence, bootstrapping and case-deletion diagnostics in a biologic: a model-based analysis of the effect of formulation differences in a monoclonal antibody
Cian Costello (1), Stefaan Rossenu (2), An Vermeulen (2), Adriaan Cleton (2), Adrian Dunne (1) A Time Scaling Approach to Develop an In Vitro-In Vivo Correlation (IVIVC) Model Using a Convolution-Based Technique
Kaori Ito*, Matt Hutmacher#, Jing Liu, Ruolun Qiu, Bill Frame, Raymond Miller Exposure-Response Analysis of Longitudinal Adverse Event Data.
Elke H.J. Krekels1,2, Gijs W.E. Santen1, John N. van den Anker2,3, Joost de Jongh1,4, Evelyne M. Jacqz-Aigrain5, Caroline D. van der Marel2,6, Richard A. van Lingen7, Anne M. Lynn8, Monique van Dijk2, Sinno Simons2, Meindert Danhof1, Dick Tibboel2, Catherijne A.J. Knibbe1,2,9 Development AND External validation of a model for Glucuronidation in children below 3 years of age using morphine as a model drug; towards a novel dosing paradigm.
E. Pigeolet (1), F. Luedicke (2), S. Balser (2), G. Pinault (1) and P. Lowe (1) Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor Pharmacokinetics After Single and Repeated Administration of Several Doses.
Sarah McLeay, Glynn Morrish, Carl Kirkpatrick & Bruce Green Scaling propofol doses for the obese: is lean body weight the answer?
Emmanuelle Comets (1), Sarah Zohar (2,3) Modelling is seldom used to describe pharmacokinetics in phase I clinical trials
Delavenne X (1), Laporte S (1,2), Deygas B (1,2), Baylot D (3), Zufferey P (4), Barré J (5), Nguyen P (6), Borg JY (7), Charret F (8) and Mismetti P (1), for the GETHCAM investigators Assessment of pharmacokinetic variability of fondaparinux in 809 patients treated after major orthopedic surgery: the POP-A-RIX study
Rujia Xie (1) and Jaap Mandema (2) Relationship between the Dose of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (rhGH) and Insulin Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) in Adult Patients with Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD)
Rujia Xie (1), Tracy Higgins (1), Jaap Mandema (2) Model-Based Drug Development (MBDD) of Pegylated Growth Hormone (PEG-hGH) in the Treatment of Adult Growth Hormone Deficient (AGHD)
Ricardo Nalda-Molina, Amelia Ramon-Lopez, Belén Valenzuela, Bernardo Miguel-Lillo, Maria Jose Duart, Arturo Soto-Matos Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Model for Drug Induced Transient Transaminitis
Massimo Cella(1), Meindert Danhof(1), Oscar Della Pasqua(1,2) Randomisation to exposure in early paediatric trials: an analysis on the influence of the dose on the heterogeneity in the response to abacavir.
B. Boulanger, A. Jullion and M. Lovern Leveraging complicated PK/PD models for the development of a Bayesian adaptive Dose-ranging design.
Guangli Ma, Lena E. Friberg, Mats O. Karlsson Pool Model versus Agonist-Antagonist Interaction Model for the Remoxipride Effect on Prolactin
S. Goutelle (1,2,3), L. Bourguignon (1,2), P.H. Maire (1,2), M. Van Guilder (3), R.W. Jelliffe (3), J. E. Conte Jr (4) A Population Pharmacokinetic Study of Plasma and Intrapulmonary Concentrations of Rifampin
S. Goutelle (1,2,3), L. Bourguignon (1,2), P.H. Maire (1,2), M. Van Guilder (3), R.W. Jelliffe (3), J.E. Conte Jr (4,5) Influence of Rifampin Pharmacokinetic Variability on Antibacterial Effect and Prevention of Resistance in Pulmonary Tuberculosis: a Simulation Study
Andreas Lindauer (1), Christiane Eickhoff (2), Charlotte Kloft (2,3), Ulrich Jaehde (1) Population Pharmacokinetics of High-dose Carboplatin
Julie Antic (1,2), Céline M. Laffont (1), Didier Concordet (2). Some Stochastic Algorithms For The Smooth Non Parametric (SNP) Estimator
P.K. Turner (1), M. Cole (1), A. Petain (2), M.A. Batey (1), S.L. Beare (1), É. Chatelut (2), A.V. Boddy (1) Reduced Folate Carrier Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Associated with Methotrexate Clearance in Breast Cancer Patients
Emma K. Hansson, Lena E. Friberg The Shape of the Myelosuppression Time-course is Related to the Probability of Developing Neutropenic Fever in Patients with Docetaxel-induced Grade IV Neutropenia
Ibrahim Ince (1,2), Saskia N. de Wildt (1,6), Dick Tibboel (1), John N. van den Anker (1,4), Daan J. Crommelin (5), Meindert Danhof (2), Catherijne A.J. Knibbe (1,2,3) Tailor-made drug treatment for children: creation of an infrastructure for data-sharing and population PK-PD modeling
Navarro-Fontestad MC1, Fernández-Teruel C2, González-Álvarez I1, Bermejo M1, Casabo VG1. Estimating the complete AUC and its standard error in sparse sampling designs.
B. Boulanger (1), A. Jullion (1), J. Jaeger (2), M. Lovern (1) and C. Otoul (1) Development of a Bayesian Adaptive Sampling Time strategy for PK studies with constrained number of samples to ensure accurate estimates.
Maria C. Kjellsson(1), Kristin E. Karlsson(1), Andrew Hooker(1), Brigitte Lacroix(2), Maria Laura Sargentini-Maier(2), Armel Stockis(2), Mats O. Karlsson(1) Exposure-response analysis of certolizumab pegol in Crohn’s disease population
Elisabet I Nielsen (1,2), Marie Sandström (1,3), Per Hartvig (2,4), Uwe Ewald (5), Lena E Friberg (1) Developmental Pharmacokinetics of Gentamicin in Preterm and Term Neonates: Modelling and Simulation Based on Data from a Prospective Study
Jackson K. Mukonzo (1), Paul Waako (1), Daniel Röshammar (3), Maria Andersson (2), Jan-Olov Svensson (2), Jasper Ogwal-Okeng (1), Lars L Gustafsson (2), Eleni Aklillu (2) Population Pharmacokinetics of Efavirenz and MDR-1, CY2B6, and CYP3A5 Polymorphisms
Anne Chain (1), Meindert Danhof (1), Oscar E Della-Pasqua (1, 3), Kevin M Krudys (3), Miriam CJM Sturkenboom (2) Bridging Cardiovascular Risk from Clinical Trials to Real Life Population
Brigitte Lacroix(1,2), Mark Lovern(1), Armel Stockis(1), Maria Laura Sargentini-Maier(1), Mats O. Karlsson(2) and Lena E. Friberg(2) Exposure-Response Modeling of the ACR20 Score in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Treated with Certolizumab Pegol.
L. Iavarone(1), G. Ghibellini(2), S. Carson(2), A. Parr(3), E. Sandefer (4),G. Nucci (1), R. Gomeni(1), A Population PK model to evaluate variability in oral absorption using gamma scintigraphy
Joakim Nyberg, Erik Sjögren, Hans Lennernäs, Andrew Hooker Dose and sample time optimization of drug candidate screening experiments
Dubois A (1), Duval X (1,2), Peytavin G (2), Taburet AM (3), Goujard C (3), Mentré F (1,2) and the Cophar1-ANRS 102 Trial Group Population analysis of plasma and intracellular pharmacokinetics of indinavir in HIV-1 infected patients with a stable antiretroviral therapy
Rocío Lledó-García, Stefanie Hennig, Mats O. Karlsson Impact of study design for characterising PKPD covariance and nonlinearity in exposure-dichotomous response relationships
Rocío Lledó-García, Stefanie Hennig, Mats O. Karlsson Randomised dose controlled trials or concentration controlled trials when learning about drugs with narrow therapeutic index?
Emma K. Hansson(1), Johan Wallin(1), Marie Sandström(1,2), Mats O. Karlsson(1), Lena E. Friberg(1) Comparison of Inter-Occasion and Inter-Individual Variability in Chemotherapy- Induced Myelosuppression
Micha Levi (1), Nicolas Frey (2) , Susan Grange (2), Thasia Woodworth (3) Relationship Between Serum Concentration of the Interleukin-6 Receptor Inhibitor, Tocilizumab (TCZ), and Disease Activity Score (DAS28) in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
S. Dittberner (1), V. Duval (2), A. Staab (2), U. Graefe-Mody (2), U. Jaehde (1) BI 1356 (proposed trade name ONDERO) pharmacokinetics and DPP-4 inhibition: Development of a target mediated PKPD model in type 2 diabetic patients
S. Dittberner (1), V. Duval (2), A. Staab (2), U. Jaehde (1) Target mediated drug disposition model for the DPP-4 inhibitor BI1356 (proposed trade name ONDERO): Is the structure identifiable?
Marion Dehez (1), Kayode Ogungbenro (2), Emmanuelle Foos-Gilbert(3), Stéphanie Ragot (1) and Marylore Chenel (3) Optimal window design of blood pressure time measurements in hypertensive dippers and non-dippers using ABPM: Application of the compound D-optimality approach.
Marylore Chenel(1), Laetitia Canini(1), Kayode Ogungbenro(2) and Emmanuelle Foos-Gilbert(1) Optimal design of QTc interval measurements for circadian rhythm determination
Marylore Chenel(1), Karl Brendel(1), Emmanuelle Foos-Gilbert(1), Céline M. Laffont(1) and France Mentré(2) How to show average bioequivalence of concentrations in a test sample with a reference population pharmacokinetic model?
Johan E Wallin (1), Lena E Friberg (1), Christine E Staatz (2) Population pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in paediatric heamatopeitic stem cell transplantation
Ekaterina Gibiansky (1), Leonid Gibiansky (2) Indirect Response Models with Positive Feedback: Equations, Properties, and Possible Applications
Julie Bertrand, Emmanuelle Comets, France Mentré Properties of different tests to detect the effect of a genetic covariate on pharmacokinetic parameters using the SAEM algorithm for several designs
A. Russu (1), G. De Nicolao (1), I. Poggesi (2), M. Neve (2), L. Iavarone (2), R. Gomeni (2) Dose escalation studies: a comparison between NONMEM and a novel Bayesian tool
M. Neely (1), J. van den Anker (2), S. Soldin (2), K. Williams (2), A. Baghdassarian (2), N. Rakhmanina (2) Population Kinetics and Dynamics of Lopinavir in HIV-Infected Children
Pascal Chanu (1), Bruno Reigner (1), Nathalie Schultze (1), Ronald Gieschke (1), Nicolas Frey (1) Decisive support of Modeling & Simulation for getting drug approval in the context of safety concern on the drug class
Robert H. Leary and Jason Chittenden A Nonparametric Analogue to POSTHOC Estimates for Exploratory Data Analysis
Robert R. Bies, Jeff A. Florian, Bruce G Pollock, Kristin L Bigos, Marci Chew, Yuyan Jin, Yan Feng, Kim C Coley, Lon Schneider, Matt Muldoon, Steven Manuck, Mark E. Sale. A comparison of a genetic algorithm based automated search algorithm to standard stepwise approach for population pharmacokinetics using NONMEM.
C. Hoyo-Vadillo(1), H. González(2), E. Romero(2) and J. Pérez Urízar(3) Pharmacokinetics model for Nifedipine administered to Healthy Volunteers.
G. Morrish(1), C.Kirkpatrick(1), N. Byrne(2), H. Kinoshita(3) & B. Green(1) Using Body Composition Metrics to Predict Exposure Between Japanese and Caucasian Populations
Tamara van Steeg, Ashley Strougo, Bart Ploeger and Piet Hein van der Graaf Assessment of the use of complex baseline models in preclinical safety screening: Application of the van der Pol oscillator model to describe heart rate effects in rats
S.L.W. Koolen [1,2], R.L. Oostendorp[1,2], J.H. Beijnen [1,2,3], J.H.M. Schellens [1,2,3], A.D.R. Huitema [1,2] Population pharmacokinetics of intravenously and orally administered docetaxel with or without co-administration of ritonavir in patients with advanced cancer
Hanna E Silber, Joakim Nyberg, Andrew Hooker, Mats O Karlsson Improvement of the intravenous glucose tolerance test using optimal experimental design.
Martin Boucher A Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Placebo Controlled Studies with Naproxen
HK. Kim(1), SB Duffull, (1,2), B. Green(1) The Effect of Study Design on Pharmacokinetics in Patients with Impaired Renal Function
N. Frances (1), L. Claret (2), F. Schaedeli Stark (3), R. Bruno (2), A. Iliadis (1) Modeling of longitudinal tumor size data in clinical oncology studies of drugs in combination
D. Perizzolo, S. Zamuner, R. Gomeni, I. Poggesi Evaluation of direct population PKPD models for truncated concentration-response curves
Teun Post(1), Rik de Greef(1), Thomas Kerbusch(1), Lambertus Peletier(2), Meindert Danhof(3) Disease System for osteoporosis: relating bone mineral density with measures of bone formation and resorption based on bone biology
S. Fanta(1), S. Jönsson(2), M.O. Karlsson(3), C. Holmberg(4), K. Hoppu(1), J.T. Backman(1) Population Pharmacokinetics of Cyclosporine in Paediatric Renal Transplant Recipients
M. Germani (1), A. Russu (2), G. Greco (2), G. De Nicolao (2), F. Del Bene (1), F. Fiorentini (1), C. Arrigoni (1), M. Rocchetti (1) Nonparametric Modeling and Population Approach to the Individualized Heart Rate Correction of the QT Interval
Petersson, K., Friberg, L.E., Karlsson, M.O. Transforming parts of a differential equations system to difference equations as a method for run-time savings in NONMEM VI
Kayode Ogungbenro1 and Leon Aarons2 An Effective approach for Obtaining Optimal Sampling Windows for Population Pharmacokinetic Experiments
Emilie Hénin (1), Véronique Trillet-Lenoir (1,2), Brigitte Tranchand (1,3), Michel Tod (1), Pascal Girard (1) Patient compliance estimated from pharmacokinetic sample: application to Imatinib
D Ternant, A Aubourg, C Magdelaine-Beuzelin, D Degenne, H Watier, L Picon and G Paintaud. Development of anti-infliximab antibodies increases infliximab clearance in inflammatory bowel diseases
María J Garrido1, Helena Colom2, Juan Espinola1, Daniel Moreno1, Sara Zalba1, Conchita Tros1, Iñaki F. Trocóniz1 Biopharmaceutic and pharmacodynamic characterization of the in vitro anti-proliferative effect of new delivery systems of Cisplatin
María J. Garrido1, Josep-María Cendrós2, Joaquim Ramis2, Concepción Peraire2, Rosendo Obach2, Iñaki F. Trocóniz1 Simultaneous population pharmacodynamic modelling of the growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I effects after deep subcutaneous administration of Lanreotide Autogel® in acromegalic patients. Application of Nonparametric estimation method in NONMEM
B. Ribba, K. Chatel, M. Tod, P. Girard, G. Freyer, B. Tranchand Monolix benefits from external modules to manage complex ODE: Illustration with a population analysis of Irinotecan and its metabolites.
I. Locatelli(1), M. Kastelic(2), J. Koprivsek(3), B. Kores-Plesnicar(3), A. Mrhar(1), V. Dolzan(2), I. Grabnar(1) Population Pharmacokinetics of Risperidone in Patients with Acute Schizophrenia
Andreas V. Groth (1) Alternative parameterisations of saturable (Emax) models allowing for nesting of non-saturable models
C. Bazzoli (1), S. Retout (1, 2), E. Rey (3), H. Benech (4), J.M. Tréluyer (3), D. Salmon (5), X. Duval (1, 6, 7), F. Mentré (1, 2) and the COPHAR2- ANRS 111 study group Population pharmacokinetics of AZT and its active metabolite AZT-TP in HIV patients: joint modelling and design optimisation
Matthew M Hutmacher (1), Roberta Bursi (2), Sunny Chapel (1), Thomas Kerbusch (2) Implications for animal-human scaling of the parallel elimination profile PK model
Tae H. Han1, Elizabeth M. Migoya1, Lata Maganti1, Rebecca Baillie2, Paul Brazhnik2, and James R. Bosley, Jr.2 Alteration of glucose and insulin regulatory networks for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Vivek Dua Automatic Selection of Optimal Configuration of Artificial Neural Networks
K. Vucicevic(1), B. Miljkovic(1), M. Pokrajac (1), I. Grabnar(2) Estimation of Relative Bioavailability of Controlled-Release Carbamazepine Tablets Based on Routine TDM Data
Bizzotto R (1), Nucci G (2), Petrone M (2), Poggesi I (2), Cobelli C (1), Gomeni R (2) Evaluation of a basic PBPK model in preclinical species for which tissue compositions are unknown
Caldes A2 , Colom H1 , Garrido MJ3, Trocóniz I3, Gilvernet S2, Armendariz Y2, Cendrós JM1, Peraire C1 , Grinyó JM2 Population pharmacokinetics of Ganciclovir following Valganciclovir in solid organ transplant recipients infected by cytomegalovirus
Stefano Zamuner (1), Vincenzo L. Di Iorio (1), Joakim Nyberg (2), Roger N. Gunn (3), Vincent J. Cunningham (3), Andrew Hooker (2) and Roberto Gomeni (1) Adaptive Optimal Design in PET Occupancy Studies
C. Chen (1), A. MacDonald (1) Population PK/PD modelling of functional receptor occupancy in a first-time-in human study
Bizzotto R (1), Zamuner S (2), Nucci G (2), Cobelli C (1), Gomeni R (2) Mixed Effects Markov Models for Modelling Sleep in Insomniac Patients Treated with Placebo in a 28 Days Trial: Emphasis on the Break Points Selection
Gianluca Nucci, Italo Poggesi and Roberto Gomeni Modelling and Simulation of Ketoconazole inhibition when co-administration time is not sufficient: role of CYP3A function recovery
C. Becker(1), K. Coboeken(1), L. Kuepfer(1), J. Lippert(1), R. Nubbemeyer(2), H. Blode(2) Whole-Body Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetic (WB-PBPK) Population Modelling to Simulate the Influence of Weight and Age on the Pharmacokinetics (PK) of a combined Oral Contraceptive Containing Drospirenone (DRSP) and Ethinylestradiol (EE)
L. Claret (1), V. Andre (2), D. de Alwis (2), R. Bruno (1) Modeling and simulation to assess the use of change in tumor size as primary endpoint in Phase II studies in oncology
Jan-Stefan van der Walt (1), Phumla Sinxadi (1), Karen Cohen (1), Helen McIlleron (1), Gary Maartens (1). Mats O Karlsson (2) Population pharmacokinetic models for lamivudine and nevirapine to assess drug concentrations obtained during therapeutic drug monitoring
Gianluca Nucci (1), Ana M. Catafau (2), María M. Penengo (3), Santiago Bullich (3), Emilio Merlo-Pich (2) and Roberto Gomeni (1) A sparse sample PK & PKPD approach to estimate the time course of antipsychotic-induced D2 occupancy
C. Kloft (1), W. Huisinga (2), H.G. Schaefer (3), P. Noertersheuser (3) Launch of the Graduate Research Training (GRT) Program 'Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling' in Germany
R.M. Savic (1), P.G. Baverel (1), M.O. Karlsson A novel bootstrap method for obtaining uncertainty measurement around the nonparametric distribution
Paul G Baverel, Radojka M Savic, Mats O Karlsson Covariate Model Building Method for Nonparametric Estimation Method in NONMEM VI: Application to Simulated Data
S.Gisbert, B. Laurijssens, C. Chen Analysing Raw Count data from an In Vitro Target Occupancy Assay to Select Doses for Human Safety/Tolerability Trial
R. McGready (1,2,3), J. Tarning (2), N. Lindegardh (2,3), E.A. Ashley (1,2,3), M. Pimanpanarak (1), B. Kamanikom (2), A. Annerberg (2), P. Singhasivanon (2), N.J. White (2,3), F. Nosten (1,2,3) Population pharmacokinetics of lumefantrine in pregnant women treated with co-artemether for uncomplicated falciparum malaria
Elba Romero E1, Juan Fernández-Candil2, Pedro L. Gambús2, Ricardo Valero2, Enrique Carrero2, Lorea Bueno1, Neus Fábregas2, Iñaki F. Trocóniz1 Extended Link Model to Describe the Impact of Chronic Antiepileptic Therapy on the Effects of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents.
M. Simeoni(1), C. Chen(1), P. Dua(2), R.E. Oliver-Willwong (1), D. J. Austin(1) Modelling beta amyloid system: sensitivity analysis at steady state and in dynamic conditions.
P. M. Jauslin (1,2), M. O. Karlsson (1), N. Frey (2) Identification of the Mechanism of Action of a Glucokinase Activator from OGTT Data in Type 2 Diabetics Using an Integrated Glucose-Insulin Model
Alienor Berges(1), Stefano Zamuner(2), Bart Laurijssens(1), Roger Gunn(3), Vincent Cunningham(3), Chao Chen(1) Using VT (total volume of distribution from PET) in estimating the PK-Receptor Occupancy relationship in the absence of reference regions.
Daren Austin, Isabelle Pouliquen, Mark Baker Use of mechanistic models to estimate target antigen load for monoclonal antibodies
Tracy Higgins, Meg Bennetts, Patrick J Johnson. Simulation and Design Considerations for Noninferiority Trials in Phase II
Debra Tompson, Ruth Oliver-Willwong, Chao Chen Population modeling of the relationship between ropinirole systemic exposure and efficacy in Parkinson’s disease
E. Snoeck (1), R. Schoemaker (1), A. Stockis (2), C. Otoul (2), M.L. Sargentini-Maier (2) Levetiracetam exposure-response analysis in children with partial onset seizures
Rich Haney Accelerating the Rate of Adoption of New Pharmacometrics Platforms Using Formal Tools For Model Interconversion
Nick Holford (1), Jenny Chien (2), Vikram Sinha (2), David Manner (2), Michael Heathman (2), Jeanne Geiser (2) Delayed response to hypoglycaemic agents and effect on progression of type 2 diabetes
G. Meno-tetang, A. Berges, S. Yang, and C. Chen The Use of Clinical Trial Simulation to investigate Bias in Crossover Studies with a Short Washout Period and no Placebo Arm: Application to Neuropathic Pain
Angelica L. Quartino (1), Lena E. Friberg (1), Sharon D. Baker (2) and Mats O. Karlsson (1) Comparison Between using Continuous and Categorical Toxicity Data for Estimation with a Model for Continuous Data
Viera Lukacova, Walter S. Woltosz, Michael B. Bolger PBPK modeling of metoprolol and its metabolites
Paolo Denti (1), Alessandra Bertoldo (1), Paolo Vicini (2) and Claudio Cobelli (1) Comparison of Different Population Analysis Approaches to the IVGTT Glucose Minimal Model
David H. Salinger (1), Jeannine S. McCune (2), David K. Blough (2), Paolo Vicini (1) Mean Squared Error as Criterion for Sampling Schedule Optimization for Individual Dose Targeting in IV Busulfan
Lena E. Friberg* (1), Marie Sandström (1,2), Mats O. Karlsson (1) Scaling the Time-Course of Myelosuppression from Rats to Patients with a Semi-Physiological Model
Fernandez-Teruel Carlos (1), Gonzalez-Alvarez Isabel (2), Navarro-Fontestad Carmen (2), Garcia-Arieta Alfredo (3), Bermejo-Sanz Marival (2), Casabo-Alos Vicente (2). Simulations of bioequivalence trials using physiological-pharmacokinetic in single dose and steady state scenarios. Which scenarios are refusable?
Shuying Yang and Misba Beerahee Clinical Trial Simulation to Estimate the Sample Size for Investigation of the Impact of a Drug A on the Pharmacokinetics of Methotrexate, a common co-medication used in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Estelle Watson, Daniël M. Jonker, Steen H. Ingwersen The pharmacokinetics of the once-daily human glucagon-like peptide-1 analogue, liraglutide, across 5 trials in healthy subjects and type 2 diabetics after single and multiple dosing
C. Ghobadi (1, 4), N. Mir-Hosseini (2), M.R. Shiran (3), W.L. Ledger (4), M.S Lennard (1), A. Rostami-Hodjegan (1). Pharmacokinetics of oral single-dose clomiphene citrate (CC) in polycystic ovary patient with anovulatory infertility
H Kimko, B Murthy, RS Strauss, S Xu, P Bagchi, P Nandy, K Bush, GJ Noel Relationship Between a PK/PD Parameter and Therapeutic Response of Ceftobiprole in Patients with Complicate Skin and Skin Structure Infection
Meindert Danhof and Bart Ploeger Implementing Receptor Theory in PK-PD Modeling
F. Del Bene (1), M. Germani (1), F. Fiorentini (1), G. De Nicolao (2), P. Magni (2), M. Rocchetti (1) Evaluating the Influence of Different Sources of Variability in the PK/PD Tumor Growth Inhibition (TGI) Model
Mats O. Karlsson & Nick Holford A Tutorial on Visual Predictive Checks
A. Schmitt(1), L. Gladieff(1), A. Lansiaux(2), C. Bobin-Dubigeon(3), M.C. Etienne(4), F. Pinguet(5), F. Serre-Debeauvais(6), A. Floquet(7), C. le Guellec(8), M. Boisdron-Celle(9), E. Billaud(10), N. Penel(2), M. Campone(3), R. Largillier(4), M. Fabbro(5), M. Mousseau(6), N. Houede(7), P. Bougnoux(8), O. Capitain(9), J. Medioni(10), E. Chatelut(1). External validation of a model based on cystatin C to predict carboplatin clearance
Stefanie Hennig1, Sebastian Ueckert1,2, Joakim Nyberg1, Andrew Hooker1, Mats O. Karlsson1 Application of Optimal Design for Disease Progression Studies
García MJ, Santos Buelga D, Cabrera S, Fernandez de Gatta MM, Domínguez-Gil Population Pharmacokinetics of Efavirenz in HIV-infected patients: Pharmacogenetic analysis