V. V. Fedorov (1), S. L. Leonov (1), V. A. Vasiliev (2) Stochastic pharmacokinetic models: selection of sampling times
Soren Klim, Stig Mortensen and Henrik Madsen Deconvolution of Insulin Secretion Rates
Thuy Vu[1,2], Jay Nutt[3] and Nick Holford[1] Time Course of Disease Status as a Predictor of Clinical Outcome in Parkinson’s Disease
J. Ribbing (1), B. Hamrén (1,2), M.K. Svensson (2,3) and M.O. Karlsson (1) Modelling the Dynamics of Glucose, Insulin, Insulin Sensitivity and Beta-Cells in Subjects with Insulin Resistance and Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
M. Andrew (1), M. Li (2), D. Salinger (1), P. Vicini (1), J. Wang (2), R. Grady (3), B. Phillips (4), D. Shen (1,2,4), G. Anderson (2,5) Effect of Cranberry Juice on Population Pharmacokinetics of Amoxicillin and Cefaclor
M.A.Barras(1,2), S.B.Duffull(3), J.J.Atherton(4), B Green(1) Individualized compared with conventional dosing of enoxaparin.
Inès Paule (1), Michel Tod (1), Emilie Hénin (1), Benoit You (1), Brigitte Tranchand (1), Gilles Freyer (1,2), Pascal Girard (1) Model-based dose adaptation of capecitabine for prevention of severe hand-and-foot syndrome: in silico comparison with the standard method
Jeffrey S Barrett1, Robin Norris1, Sundararajan Vijayakumar2, John Mondick1, Kalpana Vijayakumar2, Bhuvana Jayaraman1, Erin Cummins1, Mahesh Narayan1, Athena Zuppa1, Jeffrey M. Skolnik1 Enhancing Methotrexate Pharmacotherapy in Children with Cancer: A Decision Support System Integrating Real-time PK/PD Modeling and Simulation with Patient Medical Records
Martin Bergstrand (1), Erik Söderlind (2), Mats O Karlsson (1) Modeling of gastro-intestinal tablet transit and its’ effect on drug release and absorption for felodipine extended release tablet under fed or fasting conditions
PP Tanos(1), SB Duffull(1,2), CMJ Kirkpatrick(1), DG Lalloo(3), GK Isbister (4) A system model for the clotting cascade challenges clinical management of snake bites.
Lena E. Friberg* (1), Rik de Greef (2), Thomas Kerbusch (2), Mats O. Karlsson (1) Modeling and Simulation of the Asenapine Exposure-Response and Drop-Out in Acute Schizophrenia
L. Claret(1), F. Schaedeli Stark(2), F. Sirzen(2), R. Gieschke(2), R. Bruno(1) A modeling framework to simulate Xeloda dose intensity and survival in colorectal cancer
S. Retout (1, 2), E. Comets (1), F. Mentré (1, 2) Design optimisation in nonlinear mixed effects models using cost functions: application to a joint model of infliximab and methotrexate pharmacokinetics
Eric Snoeck (1), Marc Lavielle (2,3), Pascal Chanu (4), Karin Jorga (4) and Nicolas Frey (4) The challenge of modelling hepatitis C virus dynamics after long term treatment: Application of MONOLIX
Anthe Zandvliet, Anton de Haan, Pieta IJzerman-Boon, Rik de Greef, Thomas Kerbusch. PK-PD model of multiple follicular development with corifollitropin alfa during controlled ovarian stimulation: application of Markovian elements.
C. Laveille (1), M. Lavielle (2,3), K. Chatel (4), P. Jacqmin (1) Evaluation of the PK and PK-PD libraries of MONOLIX: A comparison with NONMEM
Andrew C. Hooker (1) and Warwick Tucker (2) Parameter estimation in non-linear mixed effects models using interval analysis
Elodie Plan (1), Alan Maloney (2), Iñaki F. Trocóniz (3), Mats O. Karlsson (1) Maximum Likelihood Estimation Methods: Performances in Count Response Models Population Parameters
JF Standing (1), EG Greening (2), V Holden (2), S Picton (2), N Young (2), H Chrystyn (3), MO Karlsson (1). Predicting Paediatric Tobramycin Pharmacokinetics with Five Different Methods
Nick Holford (1), Jenny Chien (2), Vikram Sinha (2), David Manner (2), Michael Heathman (2), Jeanne Geiser (2) Stuck in Modelling – Attempts to describe disease progress and the action of oral hypoglycaemic agents in type 2 diabetes
Alwin D.R. Huitema Application of modelling and simulation in clinical oncology
Stefanie Hennig1, Joakim Nyberg1, Samuel Fanta1,2, Andrew Hooker1, Mats O. Karlsson1 Application of the optimal design approach to improve therapeutic drug monitoring for cyclosporine
Joga Gobburu How Disease Models can reduce late phase attrition rate to half by 2015