Ron J Keizer(1), Anthe S Zandvliet(2), Alwin DR Huitema(1) A simple infrastructure and graphical user interface (GUI) for distributed NONMEM analysis on standard network environments
Nabil Semmar, Saik Urien, Bernard Bruguerolle and Nicolas Simon Independent-model diagnostics for a priori identification and interpretation of outliers from a full pharmacokinetic database: correspondence analysis, Mahalanobis distance and Andrews curves
Xu (Steven) Xu and Partha Nandy Exposure-Response Analysis of Adverse Events in Clinical Trials Using Zero-Inflated Poisson Modeling With NONMEM®.
Cian Costello (1), Stefaan Rossenu (2), An Vermeulen (2), Adriaan Cleton (2), Adrian Dunne (1) A Time Scaling Approach to Develop an In Vitro-In Vivo Correlation (IVIVC) Model Using a Convolution-Based Technique
Ricardo Nalda-Molina, Amelia Ramon-Lopez, Belén Valenzuela, Bernardo Miguel-Lillo, Maria Jose Duart, Arturo Soto-Matos Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Model for Drug Induced Transient Transaminitis
Ibrahim Ince (1,2), Saskia N. de Wildt (1,6), Dick Tibboel (1), John N. van den Anker (1,4), Daan J. Crommelin (5), Meindert Danhof (2), Catherijne A.J. Knibbe (1,2,3) Tailor-made drug treatment for children: creation of an infrastructure for data-sharing and population PK-PD modeling
Navarro-Fontestad MC1, Fernández-Teruel C2, González-Álvarez I1, Bermejo M1, Casabo VG1. Estimating the complete AUC and its standard error in sparse sampling designs.
Marylore Chenel(1), Karl Brendel(1), Emmanuelle Foos-Gilbert(1), Céline M. Laffont(1) and France Mentré(2) How to show average bioequivalence of concentrations in a test sample with a reference population pharmacokinetic model?
Ekaterina Gibiansky (1), Leonid Gibiansky (2) Indirect Response Models with Positive Feedback: Equations, Properties, and Possible Applications
Martin Boucher A Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Placebo Controlled Studies with Naproxen
Petersson, K., Friberg, L.E., Karlsson, M.O. Transforming parts of a differential equations system to difference equations as a method for run-time savings in NONMEM VI
Emilie Hénin (1), Véronique Trillet-Lenoir (1,2), Brigitte Tranchand (1,3), Michel Tod (1), Pascal Girard (1) Patient compliance estimated from pharmacokinetic sample: application to Imatinib
Andreas V. Groth (1) Alternative parameterisations of saturable (Emax) models allowing for nesting of non-saturable models
Matthew M Hutmacher (1), Roberta Bursi (2), Sunny Chapel (1), Thomas Kerbusch (2) Implications for animal-human scaling of the parallel elimination profile PK model
C. Kloft (1), W. Huisinga (2), H.G. Schaefer (3), P. Noertersheuser (3) Launch of the Graduate Research Training (GRT) Program 'Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling' in Germany
R.M. Savic (1), P.G. Baverel (1), M.O. Karlsson A novel bootstrap method for obtaining uncertainty measurement around the nonparametric distribution
Paul G Baverel, Radojka M Savic, Mats O Karlsson Covariate Model Building Method for Nonparametric Estimation Method in NONMEM VI: Application to Simulated Data
Angelica L. Quartino (1), Lena E. Friberg (1), Sharon D. Baker (2) and Mats O. Karlsson (1) Comparison Between using Continuous and Categorical Toxicity Data for Estimation with a Model for Continuous Data
Shuying Yang and Misba Beerahee Clinical Trial Simulation to Estimate the Sample Size for Investigation of the Impact of a Drug A on the Pharmacokinetics of Methotrexate, a common co-medication used in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)