Phey Yen Han, Carl MJ Kirkpatrick, Bruce Green Informative Study Designs to Identify True Parameter-Covariate Relationships
Massimo Cella(1), Meindert Danhof(1), Oscar Della Pasqua(1,2) Randomisation to exposure in early paediatric trials: an analysis on the influence of the dose on the heterogeneity in the response to abacavir.
B. Boulanger, A. Jullion and M. Lovern Leveraging complicated PK/PD models for the development of a Bayesian adaptive Dose-ranging design.
B. Boulanger (1), A. Jullion (1), J. Jaeger (2), M. Lovern (1) and C. Otoul (1) Development of a Bayesian Adaptive Sampling Time strategy for PK studies with constrained number of samples to ensure accurate estimates.
Joakim Nyberg, Erik Sjögren, Hans Lennernäs, Andrew Hooker Dose and sample time optimization of drug candidate screening experiments
Rocío Lledó-García, Stefanie Hennig, Mats O. Karlsson Impact of study design for characterising PKPD covariance and nonlinearity in exposure-dichotomous response relationships
Rocío Lledó-García, Stefanie Hennig, Mats O. Karlsson Randomised dose controlled trials or concentration controlled trials when learning about drugs with narrow therapeutic index?
Marion Dehez (1), Kayode Ogungbenro (2), Emmanuelle Foos-Gilbert(3), Stéphanie Ragot (1) and Marylore Chenel (3) Optimal window design of blood pressure time measurements in hypertensive dippers and non-dippers using ABPM: Application of the compound D-optimality approach.
Marylore Chenel(1), Laetitia Canini(1), Kayode Ogungbenro(2) and Emmanuelle Foos-Gilbert(1) Optimal design of QTc interval measurements for circadian rhythm determination
A. Russu (1), G. De Nicolao (1), I. Poggesi (2), M. Neve (2), L. Iavarone (2), R. Gomeni (2) Dose escalation studies: a comparison between NONMEM and a novel Bayesian tool
Hanna E Silber, Joakim Nyberg, Andrew Hooker, Mats O Karlsson Improvement of the intravenous glucose tolerance test using optimal experimental design.
HK. Kim(1), SB Duffull, (1,2), B. Green(1) The Effect of Study Design on Pharmacokinetics in Patients with Impaired Renal Function
D. Perizzolo, S. Zamuner, R. Gomeni, I. Poggesi Evaluation of direct population PKPD models for truncated concentration-response curves
Kayode Ogungbenro1 and Leon Aarons2 An Effective approach for Obtaining Optimal Sampling Windows for Population Pharmacokinetic Experiments
Stefano Zamuner (1), Vincenzo L. Di Iorio (1), Joakim Nyberg (2), Roger N. Gunn (3), Vincent J. Cunningham (3), Andrew Hooker (2) and Roberto Gomeni (1) Adaptive Optimal Design in PET Occupancy Studies
Tracy Higgins, Meg Bennetts, Patrick J Johnson. Simulation and Design Considerations for Noninferiority Trials in Phase II
G. Meno-tetang, A. Berges, S. Yang, and C. Chen The Use of Clinical Trial Simulation to investigate Bias in Crossover Studies with a Short Washout Period and no Placebo Arm: Application to Neuropathic Pain
David H. Salinger (1), Jeannine S. McCune (2), David K. Blough (2), Paolo Vicini (1) Mean Squared Error as Criterion for Sampling Schedule Optimization for Individual Dose Targeting in IV Busulfan
Stefanie Hennig1, Sebastian Ueckert1,2, Joakim Nyberg1, Andrew Hooker1, Mats O. Karlsson1 Application of Optimal Design for Disease Progression Studies