K. Kuester(1,3), A. Kovar(2), C. Lüpfert(2), B. Brockhaus(2), C. Kloft(1,3) Matuzumab – Evaluation of the Population Pharmacokinetic Model and Analyses of the Covariate Impact on the Pharmacokinetic Profile
RJ Keizer (1), MK Zamacona (2), M Jansen (2), DJ Critchley (2), J Wanders (2), JH Beijnen (1,4), JHM Schellens (3,4), ADR Huitema (1) Population PK-PD modeling of E7820 and α2-integrin expression on platelets in patients with solid tumors and lymphomas
Elena Soto(1), Alexander Staab(2), Christiane Tillmann(2), Dirk Trommeshauser(2), Holger Fritsch(2), Gerd Munzert(2) and Iñaki F. Trocóniz(1) A semi-mechanistic population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model for neutropenia following therapy with the new PLK-1 inhibitor BI 2536 and its application in clinical development
Andreas Lindauer (1), Christiane Eickhoff (2), Charlotte Kloft (2,3), Ulrich Jaehde (1) Population Pharmacokinetics of High-dose Carboplatin
P.K. Turner (1), M. Cole (1), A. Petain (2), M.A. Batey (1), S.L. Beare (1), É. Chatelut (2), A.V. Boddy (1) Reduced Folate Carrier Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Associated with Methotrexate Clearance in Breast Cancer Patients
Emma K. Hansson, Lena E. Friberg The Shape of the Myelosuppression Time-course is Related to the Probability of Developing Neutropenic Fever in Patients with Docetaxel-induced Grade IV Neutropenia
Emma K. Hansson(1), Johan Wallin(1), Marie Sandström(1,2), Mats O. Karlsson(1), Lena E. Friberg(1) Comparison of Inter-Occasion and Inter-Individual Variability in Chemotherapy- Induced Myelosuppression
S.L.W. Koolen [1,2], R.L. Oostendorp[1,2], J.H. Beijnen [1,2,3], J.H.M. Schellens [1,2,3], A.D.R. Huitema [1,2] Population pharmacokinetics of intravenously and orally administered docetaxel with or without co-administration of ritonavir in patients with advanced cancer
N. Frances (1), L. Claret (2), F. Schaedeli Stark (3), R. Bruno (2), A. Iliadis (1) Modeling of longitudinal tumor size data in clinical oncology studies of drugs in combination
María J Garrido1, Helena Colom2, Juan Espinola1, Daniel Moreno1, Sara Zalba1, Conchita Tros1, Iñaki F. Trocóniz1 Biopharmaceutic and pharmacodynamic characterization of the in vitro anti-proliferative effect of new delivery systems of Cisplatin
L. Claret (1), V. Andre (2), D. de Alwis (2), R. Bruno (1) Modeling and simulation to assess the use of change in tumor size as primary endpoint in Phase II studies in oncology
Lena E. Friberg* (1), Marie Sandström (1,2), Mats O. Karlsson (1) Scaling the Time-Course of Myelosuppression from Rats to Patients with a Semi-Physiological Model
F. Del Bene (1), M. Germani (1), F. Fiorentini (1), G. De Nicolao (2), P. Magni (2), M. Rocchetti (1) Evaluating the Influence of Different Sources of Variability in the PK/PD Tumor Growth Inhibition (TGI) Model
A. Schmitt(1), L. Gladieff(1), A. Lansiaux(2), C. Bobin-Dubigeon(3), M.C. Etienne(4), F. Pinguet(5), F. Serre-Debeauvais(6), A. Floquet(7), C. le Guellec(8), M. Boisdron-Celle(9), E. Billaud(10), N. Penel(2), M. Campone(3), R. Largillier(4), M. Fabbro(5), M. Mousseau(6), N. Houede(7), P. Bougnoux(8), O. Capitain(9), J. Medioni(10), E. Chatelut(1). External validation of a model based on cystatin C to predict carboplatin clearance