Rujia Xie (1) and Jaap Mandema (2) Relationship between the Dose of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (rhGH) and Insulin Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) in Adult Patients with Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD)
Rujia Xie (1), Tracy Higgins (1), Jaap Mandema (2) Model-Based Drug Development (MBDD) of Pegylated Growth Hormone (PEG-hGH) in the Treatment of Adult Growth Hormone Deficient (AGHD)
S. Dittberner (1), V. Duval (2), A. Staab (2), U. Graefe-Mody (2), U. Jaehde (1) BI 1356 (proposed trade name ONDERO) pharmacokinetics and DPP-4 inhibition: Development of a target mediated PKPD model in type 2 diabetic patients
S. Dittberner (1), V. Duval (2), A. Staab (2), U. Jaehde (1) Target mediated drug disposition model for the DPP-4 inhibitor BI1356 (proposed trade name ONDERO): Is the structure identifiable?
Teun Post(1), Rik de Greef(1), Thomas Kerbusch(1), Lambertus Peletier(2), Meindert Danhof(3) Disease System for osteoporosis: relating bone mineral density with measures of bone formation and resorption based on bone biology
María J. Garrido1, Josep-María Cendrós2, Joaquim Ramis2, Concepción Peraire2, Rosendo Obach2, Iñaki F. Trocóniz1 Simultaneous population pharmacodynamic modelling of the growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I effects after deep subcutaneous administration of Lanreotide Autogel® in acromegalic patients. Application of Nonparametric estimation method in NONMEM
Tae H. Han1, Elizabeth M. Migoya1, Lata Maganti1, Rebecca Baillie2, Paul Brazhnik2, and James R. Bosley, Jr.2 Alteration of glucose and insulin regulatory networks for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
P. M. Jauslin (1,2), M. O. Karlsson (1), N. Frey (2) Identification of the Mechanism of Action of a Glucokinase Activator from OGTT Data in Type 2 Diabetics Using an Integrated Glucose-Insulin Model
Nick Holford (1), Jenny Chien (2), Vikram Sinha (2), David Manner (2), Michael Heathman (2), Jeanne Geiser (2) Delayed response to hypoglycaemic agents and effect on progression of type 2 diabetes
Paolo Denti (1), Alessandra Bertoldo (1), Paolo Vicini (2) and Claudio Cobelli (1) Comparison of Different Population Analysis Approaches to the IVGTT Glucose Minimal Model
C. Ghobadi (1, 4), N. Mir-Hosseini (2), M.R. Shiran (3), W.L. Ledger (4), M.S Lennard (1), A. Rostami-Hodjegan (1). Pharmacokinetics of oral single-dose clomiphene citrate (CC) in polycystic ovary patient with anovulatory infertility