2017 - Budapest - Hungary

PAGE 2017: Software Demonstration
Svetlana Freiberga

PsN and Xpose

Rikard Nordgren, Andrew C. Hooker, Kajsa Harling, Svetlana Freiberga and Mats O. Karlsson

Pharmacometrics group, Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Uppsala University, Sweden

PsN is a toolbox for population PK/PD model building using NONMEM. It has broad functionality ranging from results extraction from output files to advanced computer-intensive statistical methods. Updates since PAGE 2016 include major extensions to simeval [1], a tool for simulation-evaluation diagnostics for outlier detection, updates to frem [2,3], a tool for full random effects modelling for covariate building, resmod [4], a new tool to evaluate different residual models, the addition of support for rmarkdown when using rplots greatly facilitating the automatic creation of reports, support for NONMEM 7.4 and the migration of the development and public webpages to github for simplified interaction with the community.

Xpose 4 is an open-source population PK/PD model building aid for NONMEM. Xpose attempts to facilitate the use of diagnostics in an efficient manner, providing a toolkit for dataset checkout, exploration and visualization, model diagnostics, candidate covariate identification and model comparison.

Xpose has customized functions for generating plots based on PsN output, and several of them can be automatically run by adding the -rplots option to the PsN command. This gives pdf documents with, for example, visual predictive checks as part of the PsN output, without the need to manually run any R script.

Both PsN and Xpose are freely available at https://uupharmacometrics.github.io/PsN/ and at http://xpose.sourceforge.net

Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by the DDMoRe (www.ddmore.eu) and IDeAl (www.ideal.rwth-aachen.de) projects.

References: [1] A. Largajolli, S. Jönsson, M. O. Karlsson, The OFVPPC: A simulation objective function based diagnostic, PAGE 23 (2014) Abstr 3208.
[2] Mats O Karlsson, A full model approach based on the covariance matrix of parameters and covariates, PAGE 21 (2012) Abstr 2455.
[3] Yngman G, Nyberg J, Jonsson EN, Karlsson MO, Abstr PAGE 26 (2017).
[4] Ibrahim M, Nordgren R, Kjellsson MC, Karlsson MO, Abstr PAGE 26 (2017).
[5] Jonsson EN, Karlsson MO. Xpose--an S-PLUS based population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model building aid for NONMEM. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 58(1):51-64.
[6] Lindbom L, Ribbing J, Jonsson EN. Perl-speaks-NONMEM (PsN)--a Perl module for NONMEM related programming. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 75(2):85-94.
[7] Lindbom L, Pihlgren P, Jonsson EN. PsN-Toolkit--a collection of computer intensive statistical methods for non-linear mixed effect modeling using NONMEM. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 79(3):241-57.
[8] Keizer RJ, Karlsson MO, Hooker A. Modeling and Simulation Workbench for NONMEM: Tutorial on Pirana, PsN, and Xpose. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol. (2013) 2, e50.

Reference: PAGE 26 (2017) Abstr 7142 [www.page-meeting.org/?abstract=7142]
Software Demonstration
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