II-001 Edoardo Faggionato Use of the Minimally-Invasive Oral Minimal Model to Quantify the Effect of Fat and Protein on the Postprandial Glucose Excursion in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes under Free-living Conditions Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-002 Maite Garraza Obaldia Semi-mechanistic model of pulmonary ventilation changes during propofol and remifentanil infusion as measured by minute-volume and transcutaneous pCO2. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-003 Anna Gebhard Pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic modeling and treatment simulation of maintenance therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-004 Eva Germovsek A semi-mechanistic model of preclinical VSV-GP(-Luc) viral dynamics in blood and tumour Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-005 Mohamed Gewily Quantitative comparisons of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy rating scales versions using Item Response Theory modeling Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-006 Stefano Giampiccolo Supporting pharmacometrics applications by robust parameter estimation and identifiability analysis using hybrid Neural ODEs Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-007 Asina Gijasi Structural model development with compartmental pharmacokinetic models for a range of small molecule subcutaneous data Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-008 Janice Goh A model-informed framework for prioritizing pharmacogenomic drug-gene interactions in an Asian context for chemotherapy Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-009 Antonio Goncalves Operating characteristics of TGI metrics to support early Phase Ib decisions in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma patients based on an historical Phase III study (IMbrave150) Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-010 Juan Guillermo Gonzalez Maffe A Bayesian (P)K-TTE model to support early dose escalation decisions in phase 1 Oncology studies Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-011 Verena Gotta Anemia control under maintenance hemodialysis (HD) and association with long-term outcome in pediatric and adolescent patients – a real-world data analysis Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-012 Katharina Martha Götz The dose-response relationship of rituximab in pediatric patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation – Model-informed evidence generation for a real-world problem Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-013 Sebastiaan Goulooze The drug titration paradox in the presence of intra-individual variation: can we estimate the true concentration-effect relationship? Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-014 Sandra Grañana Castillo Nintedanib physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model to predict drug-drug interactions Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-015 Silvia Grandoni Do differences in PK defeat similarities in immune system in non-human primates? Pharmacokinetic modelling of standard of care antitubercular drugs in marmosets Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-016 Meng Gu Evaluating empirical dose-response relationships and dosing strategies of bacteriophage therapy using a mechanism-based modeling approach Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-017 Jeremie Guedj Early administration of tecovirimat shortens the time to mpox clearance in a model of human infection Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-018 Burak Kuersad Guenhan Evaluating the utility of dose/exposure-response modeling for dose optimization in oncology Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-019 Ikhlas Guermi Development of a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model to describe blood hepcidin levels in patients with myelofibrosis and assess target engagement of zilurgisertib, an ALK2 inhibitor Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-020 Berfin Gülave Prediction of unbound partition coefficients at the blood-brain barrier (Kp,uu,BBB) using machine learning and its integration into a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling workflow Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-021 Yuchen Guo pmxcopula - R package for copula-based covariate simulation Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-022 Andrea Guzmán Potential of Tacrolimus CYP3A5 genotyping to predict phenotype (C0/Dose/Weight ratio) and applicability of PBPK modelling to improve dosing strategies in paediatric kidney transplant recipients Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-023 Sofia Guzzetti A modelling framework for in vitro/in vivo translation of PROTACs PK/PD and PK/Efficacy: accelerating drug discovery of targeted protein degraders Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-024 Jeongmin Ha Physiologically based Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic modeling of Enzalutamide and N-desmethyl enzalutamide Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-025 Nadja Haas Pharmacometric analysis of symptom burden during anti-cancer drug therapy by a Markov modelling approach Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-026 Felix Hammann Informing BOHEMIA cluster randomized controlled trial ivermectin dose selection in healthy participants in Kenya Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-027 Nina Hanke Population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of the iclepertin drug effect on hemoglobin levels Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-028 Miriam Happ Quantifying the impact of infection on murine antibiotic exposure in the framework of non-conventional treatment modalities within the FAIR study Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-029 Niklas Hartung A unified Rodgers et al. model for predicting tissue partitioning reveals the need for a theoretical derivation of the Lukacova et al. (Simulations Plus) model Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-030 Huan He Is the model predictive performance with von Willebrand factor superior to others? An external evaluation of population pharmacokinetic models for FVIII concentrate BAY 81-8973 in pediatric patients with haemophilia A Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-032 Astrid Heida Model-informed dose optimization of mycophenolic acid in pediatric renal transplant patients Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-033 Niels Hendrickx Evaluation of treatment effects in genetic ataxias using SARA score modelling: comparison of multiple trial designs by a large trial simulation framework Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-034 Emilie Hénin Population pharmacokinetics of MLT103 and determination of CYP2D6 polymorphism by mixture modelling Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-035 Rasmus Henninger Preclinical population pharmacokinetic modelling of skin target site exposure of DNDI-0690 and DNDI-6148 in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-036 Maud Hennion Population Pharmacokinetic Model of Ixodes ricinus-Contact Phase Inhibitor for patients with Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-037 Sara Carolina Henriques Unveiling the Potential of Cmax ƒ2 Factor Applied to Pilot Bioavailability/Bioequivalence Studies Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-038 Thomas Henthorn Dose Estimation Utility in a Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Inhaled ?9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Cannabis Market Products in Occasional and Daily Users Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-039 Maria Patricia Hernandez Mitre Population pharmacokinetics of olanzapine and quetiapine in critically ill adults with delirium Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-040 Yannick Hoffert Model-informed intravenous-to-subcutaneous switching of infliximab in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-042 Ana Homšek External evaluation of selected infliximab population pharmacokinetic models on patients with fistulizing Crohn’s disease Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-043 Andrew Hooker Generating uncertainty estimates in empirical forest plots Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-044 Nathanaël Hozé A multi-scale modelling framework to assess the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 viral load and transmission in household studies. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-045 Ziheng Hu Choice of Exposure Metric in Exposure-Response Modeling Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-046 Zhe Huang Model-integrated bioequivalence method for highly variable drugs with long half-life: a simulation study comparing complete washout and incomplete washout designs Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-047 Miao-Chan Huang Application of physiologically-based kinetic (PBK) modeling in revealing the role of the bile-salt efflux pump (BSEP) in bosentan-induced cholestasis Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-048 Zhonghui Huang Development and evaluation of nlmixr2auto: Automated open-source model building Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-049 Silvia Illamola Population analysis of blood-brain barrier heterogeneity and correlation with imaging characteristics in individuals with central nervous system malignancies. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-050 Marjorie Imperial Step-Wise Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling Approach to Characterize Complex Absorption of Lenacapavir Following SC Administration in Healthy Participants Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-051 Ibrahim Ince Qualification of the Open Systems Pharmacology PBPK modeling Platform for simulation of transporter Drug-Drug-Interactions Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-052 Alberto Ippolito PKPD model evaluating the ideal interplay between the PK and mechanism of activation of conditionally activated molecules Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-053 Khalid Iqbal A review of population PK and exposure-response models reported in FDA oncology submission documents Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-054 Van der Feltz Isabella Delpazolid population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-055 Ravi Kumar Jairam Systemic and ocular physiologically based pharmacokinetic models for protein therapeutics in rabbits Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-056 Ludvig Jakobsson A frailty model for quantifying the association between CompEx risk and variation in lung function in asthma Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-057 Masoud Jamei Same Dissolution Profile – Different Virtual Bioequivalence (VBE) Outcome! Input-Dependent Propagation of Between Subject Variability (BSV) in Gut Physiology to Dissolution and VBE Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-058 Alexander Janssen Time-dependent random effects. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-059 Hyeseon Jeon Comparative Study of Target Mediated Drug Disposition Approximation Methods Based on Validity Conditions: Application to Clinical Trial Studies Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-060 SEONGMEE JEONG Model informed dosage regimen optimization of anti-CD47 antibody using target-mediated drug disposition model. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-061 Xu Jiang Population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) to optimize dose and timing for harvesting CD34+ cells Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-062 Martin Johnson Understanding onset and response of two key endpoints in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-063 Shreyas Joshi A multiscale framework for predicting the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in response to vaccination and interventions. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-064 Felix Jost Towards pharmacokinetic profile predictions of small molecules using machine learning derived parameters and compartmental modeling Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-065 Woojin Jung Predicting lung exposure of intramuscular niclosamide as an antiviral agent against COVID-19 using power-law-based pharmacokinetic modeling Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-066 Christos Kaikousidis Quantification of model misspecification of population pharmacokinetic models by a machine learning postprocessing correction of the residual variability Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-067 Melanie Karlsen Identifying SHAP’s added value to PK covariate modeling on a small dataset Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-068 Daniel Kaschek Using the M3 Method in Exploratory Plots and in NCA Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-069 Csaba Katai An asymptotic description of a basic FcRn-regulated clearance mechanism and its implications for PBPK modelling of large antibodies Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-070 Takayuki Katsube Application of Machine Learning Approach to Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Lusutrombopag Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-071 Marija Kekic Stochastic Gate Neural Networks for Automatic Covariate Selection in Pharmacometrics Population Modeling Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-072 Allan Kengo Population pharmacokinetic analysis of the drug interaction between ritonavir-boosted atazanavir and rifampicin Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-073 Anne Keunecke Case study of Exposure-Safety analysis in Phase 1 oncology - lessons learned Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-074 Anisa Khan Population pharmacokinetics of cenobamate and dose rationale for its use in paediatric patients affected by focal onset and primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-075 Fenja Klima Quantifying the impact of CYP2D6 allele activity on Z-endoxifen formation leveraging the multi-study CEPAM database: Towards treatment optimisation of tamoxifen Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-076 Marian Klose Machine learning-driven flattening of model priors: A comparative simulation study across multiple compounds Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-077 Franziska Isabelle Kluwe Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modelling of Cytokine Releasing Syndrome (CRS) Events during T cell Engager Therapy Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-078 Simon Koele Population pharmacokinetics and exposure-response of BTZ-043 for the treatment of tuberculosis. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-079 Simon Koele Model-informed trial design for the malaria transmission blocking antibody TB31F Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-080 Matthias König Captopril in Focus: Establishing an Open Pharmacokinetic Dataset and PBPK Modeling Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-081 Sjoerd Koopman A revised population pharmacokinetic model for recombinant fusion protein linking recombinant coagulation factor IX with recombinant albumin Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-082 Christina Kovar A Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model of Atorvastatin Acid Predicting CYP3A4 and OATP1B Drug–Drug Interactions Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-083 Anders Kristoffersson Optimal design of a reduced sampling schedule for the characterization of prolactin dynamics in healthy male volunteers and its evaluation to the describe the pharmacodynamic effect of a prolactin antagonist in a single rising dose study Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-084 Wojciech Krzyzanski Gauss-Hermite cohort population estimates of between subject variability for sparse data Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-085 Victoria Kulesh A mechanistic model of thymocyte dynamics: a quantitative tool for predicting drug effects on thymic function Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-086 Pietro Laddomada Dose rationale and metrics of target exposure for tacrolimus and mycophenolate in paediatric patients undergoing solid organ transplantation Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-087 Jennifer Lang Development of a population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model of lepodisiran, a small interfering RNA targeting lipoprotein(a), in healthy adults Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-088 Jonas Langeraert Small molecule drug absorption in inflammatory bowel disease and current implementation in PBPK models. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-089 Emilie Langeskov WB-PBPK-PD Modeling for Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of GalNAc-Conjugated siRNAs Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-090 Anna Largajolli Clinical Model-Based Meta-Analysis applied to Vaccine Development for SARS-CoV-2 Variants Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-091 Sebastiano Lava Study design optimization in paediatric rare diseases: a case study on empagliflozin in paediatric heart failure Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-092 Alexandra Lavalley-Morelle Extending the R open-source saemix package: a new tool for parametric joint models Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-093 Jacob Leander Simulation-based comparison of MMRM and dose-response MMRM for Ph2b dose-finding design in rheumatoid arthritis Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-094 Hyunjung Lee Predicting intrinsic clearance by the integration of deep learning-based drug-metabolic enzyme binding interactions on a canonical in vitro-in vivo extrapolation method Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-095 Donghwan Lee Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Tailoring Teicoplanin Regimens for Normal Renal Function Patients with Population Pharmacoki-netics and Monte-Carlo Simulation Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-096 Apolline Lefevre Uncoupling tumor cell killing and cytokine release following T-cell engager administration with a mechanistic PKPD model Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-097 Valentin Legras Sunburst Plots for Analyzing the Impact of Drugs on CRS Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-098 Cristina Leon Enhancing statistical power in lipid-lowering therapy studies through optimization of the MACE endpoint composition: a model-based meta-analysis approach Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-099 Antonia Leonhardt Towards MIPD of Linezolid: External Evaluation of Population Pharmacokinetic Models Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-100 Raphaëlle Lesage A quantitative system toxicology model of thyroid hormones for assessment of species differences in thyroid toxicity Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-101 Giulia Lestini Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics modeling of complement biomarkers and endpoints in C3 glomerulopathy (C3G) patients treated with iptacopan (FABHALTA®) Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-102 Yingxue Li Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling of Norepinephrine in Healthy Volunteers Prior to and During General Anesthesia Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-103 Yu-Jou Lin Model-informed once-daily dosing strategy for children, adolescents and adults for bedaquiline and delamanid Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-104 Yu-wei Lin Assessing the impact of choosing different estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) equations on pharmacokinetic models: A proof-of-concept study with illustrative examples Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-105 Andreas Lindauer A Mini-Tutorial on Campsis: The R-Based PK/PD Simulation Suite Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-106 Klaus Lindauer Application of neural-ODE framework to support dose escalation decision during safety review meetings in first-in-human clinical trial Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-107 Han Liu Comparison between multistate and parametric time-to-event models for analysis of progression-free-survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in oncology trials Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-108 CHENYAO LIU Population Pharmacokinetic of ketamine and norketamine in pediatric subjects during analgosedation Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-109 Xuanlin Liu Viral dynamic modeling of nirmatrelvir against SARS-CoV-2 in an in vitro infection model Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-110 Sarah Lobet Revealing the complexity of monoclonal antibodies exposure-response relationship in metastatic colorectal cancer patients while mitigating confounding factors Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-111 Helena Loer Unraveling the CYP2D6 Drug-Drug-Gene Interaction Network: A Comprehensive PBPK Analysis of Key Substrates and Inhibitors Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-112 Ioannis Loisios-Konstantinidis Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling and simulations to characterize the effect of cyclodextrins on the exposure of asciminib in lieu of clinical trials Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-113 Orphélie Lootens Unlocking Diversity: Towards a Comprehensive Framework for Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Population Qualification in Sub Saharan Africa Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-114 Lorenzo Cifelli ODE-free survival modeling with full pharmacokinetic profiles in the IMPRES-M framework Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-115 Mark Lovern Introducing InSilicoTrials NONMEM simulator: Cloud-based simulation tool for NONMEM models Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-116 Esther Lubberts The potential of modeling and simulation as support for generic long-acting injectable (LAI) marketing authorization applications Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |