III-01 Oliver Ackaert Building a reproducible pharmacometrics environment to ensure quality, continuity, efficiency, and good communication Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-02 Linda Aulin Tapping into the potential of pharmacometrics in preclinical infection models: a low-hanging fruit or joined efforts needed? Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-03 Emily Behrens Influence of interoccasion variability on parameter estimates of a population pharmacokinetic model under various sparse study designs Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-04 Brigitta Bodak Facilitating structural population PK model building for pharmacometricians and beyond Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-05 Fan Cheng Favipiravir pharmacokinetics in immunocompromised infants and children with chronic RNA viral infections Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-06 S. Y. Amy Cheung Predicting RSV prophylaxis in the infant target population – assessing monoclonal antibody versus maternal vaccination efficacy using MBMA Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-07 Marc Codaccioni Predictive performance of two hepatic CYP3A4 ontogeny within a paediatric PBPK model. Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-08 Alessandro Di Deo A model-based algorithm for mycophenolate dose adjustment in paediatric transplantation patients Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-09 Lucia Diaz Garcia Individualized tacrolimus dosing in pediatric kidney transplantation: development of PBPK-based predictive models, simulations and applications (ModSimTer-Tacro Study) Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-10 Summer Feng Exposure-safety Markov modeling of ocular adverse events in patient populations treated with tisotumab vedotin Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-11 Klervi GOLHEN Characterizing effect of methotrexate on adalimumab PK in pediatric patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-12 Silvia Grandoni Efficacy extrapolation and dose rationale for duloxetine in paediatric chronic pain Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-13 Yuchen Guo Generation of realistic virtual adult populations using the NHANES database: a copula approach Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-14 Niklas Hartung An information-theoretic evaluation of vine copula models for high-dimensional covariate distributions Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-15 Matthieu Jacobs Accounting for uncertainty in the application of generic PBPK workflow to candidate selection Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-16 Christos Kaikousidis In Silico Dosimetry Study of Tc99m-Tetrofosmin in Children Using a Novel PBPK Model in Humans Built from SPECT Imaging Data Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-17 Daniel Kaschek How to reduce the total number of samples in a bioequivalence study without impacting statistical power Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-18 Csaba Katai An asymptotic description of a basic FcRn-regulated clearance mechanism and its implications for PBPK modelling of large antibodies Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-19 Takayuki Katsube Global Sensitivity Analysis for Effects of Correlated Covariates Using Shapley Value Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-20 Lina Keutzer Model-based experimental design recommendations for in vivo studies of the novel anti-tuberculosis drug MPL-447 improve characterization of PK and PD Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-21 Feras Khalil A joint parent-metabolite model to characterize the pharmacokinetic profile of tapentadol and its metabolites in the pediatric population and inform a model-based evaluation of a post-approval commitment pediatric trial Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-22 Christina Kovar Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Dasatinib to Describe Enzyme-Mediated and pH-Dependent Drug–Drug Interaction Scenarios Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-23 Mads Kreilgaard Model-informed development of Mim8 - a novel bispecific antibody for the treatment of haemophilia A Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-24 Katharina Krollik Oral absorption modeling of weakly basic drugs – Combining in vitro and in silico models Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-25 Marie Lambert Population pharmacokinetic model to assess bone marrow absorbed dose after 177Lu-Dotatate administration Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-26 Paul Lang Leveraging Open Systems Biology Standards for Improved Reusability and Reproducibility of Pharmacological Models Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-27 Julia Larsson PK and PBPK modeling approaches to describe the lung and systemic exposure after inhalation of AZD4604 Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-28 Félicien Le Louedec Model-informed precision dosing of high-dose IV busulfan in Thai pediatric patients Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-29 Félicien Le Louedec Model-informed precision dosing of protein kinase inhibitors: benefits and limits. The example of imatinib. Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-30 Maxime Le Merdy Ocular Exposure Extrapolation Across Multiple Species Using PBPK Modeling and Simulation: Latanoprost Solution Case Study Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-31 Donghwan Lee A comparative population pharmacokinetic analysis of nafamostat mesilate in patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy (ECMO) support: central venous samples vs. ECMO circuit samples Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-32 Apolline Lefevre A mechanistic PK/PD model to predict cytokine release and tumor cell killing associated to T-cell bispecific therapies Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-33 Romain Leroux Design evaluation and optimisation in nonlinear mixed effects models with the R package PFIM 6.0 Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-34 Xia Li Model Informed Dose Evaluation for Aticaprant in Adolescent Patients Following the Adult Dose Regimen Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-35 Andreas Lindauer e-Campsis: a Shiny PK/PD model simulator based on Campsis Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-36 Cong Liu Application of translational physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for elucidating the complex disposition of ADCs: a case study with T-DM1 Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-37 Feiyan Liu Unravelling the effects of acute inflammation on pharmacokinetics: a model-based analysis focusing on renal excretion and CYP3A4-mediated metabolism Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-38 Han Liu Informing the selection of clinically relevant pharmacokinetic target range for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) of sunitinib: a pharmacometric simulation framework Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-39 Sarah Lobet Influence of body composition on the pharmacokinetics of monoclonal antibodies : example of cetuximab and bevacizumab Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-40 Helena Loer Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Imatinib and Its Main Metabolite for Drug–Drug Interaction Predictions Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-41 Aurelie Lombard Exploring the use of constant and time-varying observation-based versus model-based tumour size metrics for early predictions of drug efficacy on overall survival in malignant pleural mesothelioma Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-42 Orphélie Lootens Building a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model for a carcinogenic food contaminant aflatoxin B1 Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-43 Vincent Madelain Impact of interaction model choice in PKPD analysis evaluating drug combination in TGI in vivo studies Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-44 Claude Magnard Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Fentanyl Citrate and Norfentanyl in Calves Using a Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Approach Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-45 John Maringwa Partial residual plots (PRPs) as an integrated model diagnostic tool in model-based meta-analysis (MBMA) Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-46 Srinivas Martha A meta-analysis of prevalence and incidence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in Asia Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-47 Frederico Martins Establishment of Virtual Bioequivalence via DoE-PBPM Model: A Donepezil Case Study Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-48 Luca Marzano Explainable machine learning for time-to-event analysis: exploring time-dependent covariate effects on models of small cell lung cancer Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-49 Emir Mesic Population pharmacokinetics of Jesduvroq (daprodustat) in chronic kidney disease patients with anemia Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-50 Frano Mihaljevic Automatized reporting in the applications of MonolixSuite Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-51 Samer Mouksassi The African applied pharmacometrics training fellowship: 1 year later Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-52 Mourad Mseddi Population pharmacokinetics of abiraterone in patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-53 Ida Neldemo Application of tumor size modelling and simulations to support the dose selection of BI 907828 for a Phase II study Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-54 Thi Lien Ngo Development of a Physiological-Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Ritonavir: Unraveling its Triphasic Effects as CYP3A Inhibitor, CYP3A Inducer, and Pgp Inhibitor. Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-55 Ana Novakovic Empirical Power Evaluations of an Item Response Model in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-56 Frances Okibedi Investigating Alternative Daily Dose Regimens for Bedaquiline in Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis using an Interactive Shiny Application Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-57 Jessica Ou Development of a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model to understand and predict the disposition of gallium-68 radiolabeled-dendrimers in vivo Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-58 Theodoros Papathanasiou Population pharmacokinetics of belantamab mafodotin in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma patients with severe renal impairment Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-59 Sara Peribanez A physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model for V937, a novel oncolytic virus, in mice Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-60 Antoine Pitoy Contribution of modelling jointly progression-free survival and biomarker longitudinal data for therapeutic evaluation in oncology Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-61 Luna Prieto Garcia An Integrated PBPK-Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Model for Statins to Assess the Variability and Implications of Transporter-Mediated Distribution Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-62 Alicja Puszkiel Nivolumab de-escalation in patients with complete response: model-based simulations of alternative dosing regimens and noninferiority clinical trials Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-63 Federico Reali A minimal PBPK mice model to support the preclinical development of drugs against tuberculosis. Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-64 Javier Reig-López Chirality matters: physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling of ibuprofen enantiomers Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-65 Pascale Rietveld Population pharmacokinetics of intraperitoneal irinotecan and SN-38 in patients with peritoneal metastases from colorectal origin Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-66 Maša Roganović Modelling fatigue events in prostate cancer patients on radiotherapy Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-67 Davide Ronchi Model-based analysis of patient-derived organoids for evaluating anticancer drugs Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-68 Alberto Russu Population pharmacokinetic modeling and bioequivalence clinical trial simulations of niraparib plus abiraterone acetate administered as single-agent combination and dual-acting tablets plus prednisone for the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-69 Anuraag Saini Development of mPBPK model to support translation decision-making for novel bispecific therapeutics Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-70 Ayatallah Saleh Unravelling the complex inhibition network of voriconazole and its metabolites using a middle-out PBPK approach Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-71 Javier Sanchez Fernandez Building evidence on the PKPD relationship with bispecific co-stimulatory antibodies using in vitro data: FAP-4-1BBL example Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-72 Aymara Sancho Mechanistic characterization of oscillatory patterns in unperturbed tumor growth dynamics: the interplay between cancer cells and components of the tumor microenvironment. Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-73 Keshava Sannala Comparison of Pumas and NONMEM in parameter estimation of a complex pharmacodynamic model Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-74 Darlene Santiago A Pharmacometric approach for opioid use disorder in Puerto Rico: A research agenda to individualize buprenorphine pharmacotherapy. Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-75 Emilie Schindler Population PK-PD modeling and exposure-response analysis in multiple myeloma patients treated with intravenous forimtamig, a T-cell engaging 2:1 bispecific antibody targeting GPRC5D and CD3 Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-76 Miriam Schirru A QSP model for predicting efficacy assessment of combined treatment of radiotherapy and anti-PD-1 for NSCLC patients through virtual clinical trials. Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-77 Alejandro Serrano Alcaide Application of an immune-oncology framework to explore the role of regulatory T cells in antitumor response. Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-78 Raman Sharma A meta-analysis for predicting early bactericidal activity of beta-lactam antibiotics against pulmonary tuberculosis Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-79 Hinke Siebinga Optimizing radionuclide therapy with 177Lu-HA-DOTATATE in patients with neuroendocrine tumors using semi-physiological population PK models Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-80 Hanna Silber Baumann Dose confirmation based on population pharmacokinetics within LUMINESCE (NCT04963270); a Phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating satralizumab in patients with generalized myasthenia gravis Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-81 Erik Sjögren Mechanistic modelling of bioavailability and local immunogenicity after subcutaneous administration within the Open Systems Pharmacology framework Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-82 Tomás Sou Population PK/PD modelling of platelet dynamics for dose selection in patients with haematological malignancies Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-83 Viktoria Stachanow Drug and target parameters impacting target profiles for mono- and multi-specific NANOBODY® molecules – a model-based sensitivity analysis Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-84 Herbert Struemper Development of a joint tumor size (TS)–overall survival (OS) modelling and simulation (M&S) framework supporting oncology development decision making Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-85 Huybrecht T'jollyn Individual virtual controls as surrogate for a control arm – application for siRNA and NA therapy in chronic hepatitis B infection Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-86 Zhiyuan Tan Population pharmacokinetic analysis of pazopanib in adult patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma and soft tissue sarcoma Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-87 David Ternant A multi drug disposition model accounting for rituximab antigen binding portion (Fab) and crystallizable (Fc) mediated drug disposition mechanisms Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-88 Paul Thoueille Pharmacometrics-based analysis of long-acting cabotegravir over 6 months in real-life people living with HIV in Switzerland Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-89 Pauline Traynard Bayesian individual dynamic predictions via a convenient R function using MonolixSuite Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-90 Cristian Valiante PBPK model-based extrapolation from adults to children to predict furosemide oral solution bioavailability Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-91 Anne van Rongen Quantification of renal drug clearance in neonates born Small for Gestational Age (SGA) compared to neonates born Appropriate for Gestational Age (AGA) Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-92 Sergei Vavilov R framework for reproducible and quality-controlled modeling and simulation with the Open Systems Pharmacology Software Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-93 Yunjiao Wu When will the glomerular filtration rate in preterm neonates catch up to their term peers? Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-94 Tan Zhang Exploring the impact of obesity on drug clearance using PBPK modelling approaches: influential variables affecting scaling from non-obese to obese subjects for drugs metabolized in the liver Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-95 Han Zheng MaS: population pharmacometric modeling in Python Thursday 10:15-11:45 |
III-96 Yuanxi Zou Evaluating two strategies for the design of pediatric pharmacokinetic studies Thursday 10:15-11:45 |