I-12 Ana Bastos A joint population pharmacokinetic model of total and unbound temocillin serum concentrations in hemodialysis patients Wednesday 10:45-12:15 |
I-19 Shanshan Bi Model-Based Meta-Analysis (MBMA) for direct-acting antiviral (DAA) agents in the Treatment of Chronic HCV Wednesday 10:45-12:15 |
I-49 Chunli Chen Application of the Multistate Tuberculosis Disease Model for Studying Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in a Chronic Tuberculosis Mouse Model Wednesday 10:45-12:15 |
I-52 Maxwell Chirehwa Model based evaluation of higher doses of rifampicin using a semi-mechanistic model incorporating auto-induction and saturation of first-pass hepatic extraction Wednesday 10:45-12:15 |
I-54 Palang Chotsiri Population pharmacokinetic and cardiotoxic modelling of the antimalarial drug piperaquine Wednesday 10:45-12:15 |
I-58 Pieter Colin Towards TDM-guided dosing for cefepime in the critically ill Wednesday 10:45-12:15 |
I-70 Femke de Velde Nonlinear absorption pharmacokinetics of amoxicillin Wednesday 10:45-12:15 |
II-17 Ivy Song Use of a Viral Dynamic Model to Evaluate Potential Dolutegravir Dosing Regimens in HIV-1 Patients with Resistance to Raltegravir and Elvitegravir Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-24 Elin Svensson Albumin concentrations and body weight in MDR-TB patients over time on treatment and the impact on bedaquiline pharmacokinetics Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-25 Robin Svensson Application of the Multistate Tuberculosis Disease Model in Rifampicin Treated Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-30 Max Taubert Population pharmacokinetics of linezolid in intensive care patients Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-41 Takayo Ueno Exposure-Response Analysis for Daclatasvir and Asunaprevir in Japanese Subjects with Hepatitis C Virus Infection Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-43 Elodie Valade Plasma and seminal plasma population pharmacokinetics of emtricitabine and tenofovir Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-47 Fiona Vanobberghen Population pharmacokinetics of tribendimidine metabolites in adults with Opisthorchis viverrini in Laos Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-48 Anders Viberg A Population PK Model for Simeprevir in Healthy Volunteers and Patients Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-53 Hechuan Wang An Integrated Pharmacokinetic/Viral Dynamic Model for Daclatasvir/Asunaprevir in Patients with Genotype 1 Chronic Hepatitis C Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-61 Sebastian Wicha Evaluation of the delta-method to efficiently compute probability of target attainment of antibiotics Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-63 Christian Woloch Development of a mechanistic PK/PD model to describe drug resistance using data from an in vitro dynamic PK/PD model. Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-70 Hinojal Zazo Gómez Dosage regimen evaluation of antiretroviral gold nanoparticles using Monte Carlo Simulation Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
II-77 Simbarashe Peter Zvada Population Pharmacokinetics of Efavirenz Among HIV infected South Africans Across Different Age Groups Including Pregnant Women Wednesday 15:15-16:40 |
III-03 Thomas Dorlo Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of miltefosine in mono- and combination therapy regimens for visceral leishmaniasis in East Africa Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-06 Sulav Duwal Systematic in silico analysis of the efficacy of NRTIs for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) against HIV-1 Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-29 Bruce Green Impact of Concomitant Antiretrovirals, and CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 Polymorphisms on the Pharmacokinetics of Etravirine Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-40 Christoph Hethey Mechanism-based pharmacodynamic modelling of bacterial growth inhibition by antibiotics Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-43 Richard Höglund Artemether-lumefantrine coadministration with antiretrovirals; population pharmacokinetics and dosing implications Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-49 Nerea Jauregizar Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic modeling of dynamic time-kill curves for anidulafungin against Candida Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-50 Shuangmin Ji Model-based Meta-analysis to Determine the Efficacy of Entecavir and Adefovir in the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-51 Feng Jin Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Sofosbuvir, a NS5B Polymerase Inhibitor, and Its Metabolites, in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Infection Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-55 Francine Johansson Azeredo Comparing the fungicidal effect of free amphotericin B with to a novel miccele system against Candida albicans by a PK/PD modeling approach Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-67 Jane Knöchel Impact of randomness of mutation dynamics on the development of drug resistance under antiviral therapy Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-71 Wojciech Krzyzanski Physiologically structured population model (PSP) of heterogeneity of target binding to describe resistance of Gram-negative bacteria to polymyxin B (PB) Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
III-77 Donghwan Lee Population pharmacokinetic analysis of Doripenem in Korean patients with acute infections Thursday 10:20-11:45 |
IV-16 Lisa Martial Dose reduction of caspofungin in ICU patients with Child Pugh B will result in suboptimal exposure. Thursday 15:20-16:40 |
IV-19 Osawa Mayu Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Daclatasvir and Asunaprevir in Japanese Subjects with Hepatitis C Virus infection Thursday 15:20-16:40 |
IV-25 Iris Minichmayr Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic target attainment of intravenous linezolid regimens in plasma and peripheral tissue fluids of four distinct populations Thursday 15:20-16:40 |
IV-35 Elisabet Nielsen A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model characterizing the emergence of resistant Escherichia coli subpopulations during ertapenem exposure Thursday 15:20-16:40 |