II-01 Vincent Dubois Interspecies differences in moxifloxacin-induced QTc-interval prolongation Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-02 Anne Dubois Pharmacokinetic bioequivalence analysis of biologics using nonlinear mixed effects modeling Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-03 Anne Dubois Clinical trial simulations to design a crossover study assessing the equivalence on the pharmacodynamic surrogate marker between an immediate and a modified release formulations Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-04 Anne Dubois Evaluation of designs for biosimilarity crossover trials analysed by nonlinear mixed effects models Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-05 Cyrielle Dumont Design optimisation of a pharmacokinetic study in the paediatric development of a drug Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-06 Cyrielle Dumont Design evaluation in nonlinear mixed effect models: influence of covariance between random effects Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-07 Petra Ekerot Mechanism-based Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Feedback Model of Thyroid Hormones after Inhibition of Thyroperoxidase in the Dog. Cross-species Prediction of Thyroid Hormone Profiles in Rats and Humans. Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-08 Esther Encinas Fentanyl pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) estimation in neonates and infants using allometric and ontogeny methods Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-09 Eric Fernandez Using the Virtual Tumour to predict and optimize drug combination regimens Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-10 Charles Ernest Multinomial Markov-chain model of sleep architecture in Phase-Advanced Subjects (PAS) Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-11 Farkad Ezzet Meta-Analysis of Antiplatelets in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A survival Model Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-12 Karl-Heinz Liesenfeld Modeling and simulation to optimise the study design investigating the hemodialysis of dabigatran in patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-12 David Fabre Population Pharmacokinetics of Alfusozin in children and adolescents Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-13 Axel Facius Modelling and Simulation based Techniques to support Trial Design and Submission of Daxas Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-14 Gregory Ferl Population analysis of the DCE-MRI response of liver metastases to a single dose of bevacizumab in CRC patients Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-15 Martin Fink Diversity: Academia-Industry Collaborations on Modeling and Simulation to enhance Scientific Capability Development – The Novartis Experience Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-16 Nicolas Frances Integrating distribution to tumor tissue into a dynamic PK/PD model to evaluate the anti-cancer effect of erlotinib in patient-derived LXFA 677 tumor xenograft mice Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-17 Monika Frank Integrated Population Pharmacokinetic Model Development of Nevirapine for Mothers and Newborns including Healthy Male Volunteer Data Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-19 Christina Friedrich Comparison of Statistical and Physiological Modeling Methods Using Examples in Drug Discovery and Development Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-20 Ludivine Fronton Monoclonal Antibody Disposition beyond Target Binding: Impact of FcRn on Clearance and Derivation of Mechanistic Compartment Models Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-21 Sathej Gopalakrishnan Population PK/PD evaluation of the effect of dienogest on Hoogland Score in young healthy women Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-22 Maria Garrido Population Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of Ganciclovir after Intravenous Ganciclovir and Oral Valganciclovir Administration in SOT Patients Infected with CMV Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-23 Cecile Gerard Factors influencing pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus during the early liver post-transplantation period: a population analysis Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-24 Leonid Gibiansky Mechanistic Modeling of the Link between Interleukin 6 Receptor Blockade with Tocilizumab and Its Hematological Effects Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-25 Martin Gnanamuthu Johnson Predicting Dopamine D2 Receptor Occupancy in humans using a physiology-based approach Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-26 Martin Gnanamuthu Johnson Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Dopamine D2 Receptor Occupancy in humans using Bayesian modeling tools Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-27 Sylvain Goutelle Comparison of Four Renal Function Estimator-Based Models for the Prediction of Gentamicin Concentrations in Geriatric Patients by Use of Nonparametric Population Approach Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-28 Iztok Grabnar Bayesian Estimation of Methotrexate Pharmacokinetics in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and Prediction of Folinic Acid Rescue Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-29 Helen Graham Development of a novel method for updating the predicted partition coefficient values generated by an existing in silico prediction method Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-30 Gordon Graham An Application of Optimal Design to Dose Selection and Sample Size Determination with a Negative-Binomial Exposure-Response Model for a Phase IIb Study Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-31 Joachim Grevel A physiology-based model predicts pharmacokinetics, target occupancy in the tumour, and HSP70 biomarker response in serum for the HSP90 inhibitor, 17-AAG Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-32 Andreas Velsing Groth Predicting paediatric PK in order to investigate it Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-33 Namyi Gu Population Pharmacokinetics of a new TRPV1 antagonist in healthy volunteers. Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-34 Zheng Guan Population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis of cortisol in serum and saliva in healthy male volunteers after an acute 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) challenge test Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-35 Monia Guidi Population Pharmacokinetics of Nevirapine in HIV-positive Patients Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-36 Neeraj Gupta Population PK and PK/PD Analysis of Intravenous Investigational Agent MLN9708 in Solid Tumors and Lymphoma Patients Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-37 Manish Gupta Application of Two-Target Quasi-Steady-State (QSS) Model in Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) Modeling of MNRP1685A in Cynomolgus Monkeys Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-38 Serge Guzy Optimizing The Entire Drug Development Process Using Pharmacometric Tools: From Preclinical To Marketing Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-39 Anna-Karin Hamberg Predictions of warfarin exposure and INR response in children Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-40 Emilie Hénin Meta-analysis of Magnetic Marker Monitoring data to characterize tablet movement through the gastrointestinal tract Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-41 Sarapee Hirankarn Population K-PD Model of Sodium Nitroprusside in Neonates and Children During Anesthesia or Sedation Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-42 Eef Hoeben Population pharmacokinetic analysis of JNJ-37822681, a specific and fast-dissociating D2 antagonist for the treatment of schizophrenia Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-43 Richard Höglund Population modelling of the pharmacokinetics of a mefloquine-artesunate treatment at the Thai-Myanmar border Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-44 Eleanor Howgate PKPD Modelling Of Cardiovascular Safety Pharmacology Data Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-45 Ibrahim Ince Population PK of midazolam from preterm neonates to adults, a maturation model Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-46 Arantxa Isla Population Pharmacokinetics of Cefoxitin as a Prophylactic Antimicrobial Agent Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-47 Vijay Ivaturi Selection Bias in Pre-Specified Covariate Models Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-48 Masoud Jamei A physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) brain model and its application in simulating drug disposition in brain Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-49 Masoud Jamei Modelling the Effect of Interleukin-6, an Inflammatory Cytokine, on Time-dependent Reduction of Cyclosporine Clearance: An Application of the Simcyp Population-based Simulator to Suppression of CYP450 by Biologics Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-50 Candice Jamois Title Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of the Relationship between Aleglitazar Exposure and Lipids Response in Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-51 Hyewon Jeon A Population Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic Approache of Drug X in Healthy Korean Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-53 Åsa Kragh Comparison of methods for handling missing covariate data Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-54 Matts Kågedal Improved study design in phase IIb by the use of optimal design, focusing on the precision of dose finding Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-55 Helene Karcher Probabilistic risk assessment for QT prolongation and heart rate increase Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-55 Etienne Pigeolet Population PKPD modeling of dose-response and time course of peripheral lymphocytes after single and repeated administration of the S1P1/5 modulator, BAF312, in healthy volunteers. Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-56 Nastya Kassir An Optimal Sampling Strategy for Tacrolimus in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients Based on a Population Pharmacokinetic Model Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-57 Takayuki Katsube Evaluation of Stepwise Covariate Model Building Combined with Cross-Validation Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-58 Ron Keizer The bootstrap of Stepwise Covariate Modeling using linear approximations Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-59 Thomas Kerbusch Phase 2b dose selection for the treatment of autoimmune disorders leveraging comparator data Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-60 Dalia Khachman Optimising ciprofloxacin dosing in intensive care patients based on pharmacodynamic target attainment Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-61 David Khan PKPD-modeling of time-kill curves from E. coli mutants exposed to ciprofloxacin Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-62 Akash Khandelwal Influence of Correlated Covariates on Predictive Performance for Different Models Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-63 Sung Eun Kim Population Pharmacokinetics of Theophylline in Premature Korean Infants Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-64 Holly Kimko Disease-Drug Model of Methylphenidate (MPH) in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Via Longitudinal Meta-analysis Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |
II-65 Huub Jan Kleijn Development and Application of a Semi-Mechanistic Model for Modulation of Amyloid-beta in Cerebrospinal Fluid after Inhibition of γ-secretase. Wednesday 14:55-16:10 |