Landersdorfer, C.(1), C. M. J. Kirkpatrick(2), M. Kinzig-Schippers(1), J. Bulitta(1), U. Holzgrabe(3), F. Sörgel(1,4) New Insights into the Most Commonly Studied Drug Interaction with Antibiotics: Pharmacokinetic Interaction between Ciprofloxacin, Gemifloxacin and Probenecid at Renal and Non-renal Sites
Hennig, S. (1,2), Waterhouse T.(1) Wainwright C.(3), Bell S.(4), Miller H. (2), Charles B.(1) and Duffull S.(1) A D-optimal designed population pharmacokinetic study of itraconazole capsules and solution in adults with cystic fibrosis
Plock, N.(1), C. Buerger(1), K. Kuester(1), C. Joukhadar(2), S. Kljucar(3), C. Kloft(1,4) A Population Pharmacokinetic Model for the Simultaneous Description of Linezolid Tissue and Plasma Disposition in Healthy Volunteers and Septic Patients
Zandvliet, Anthe S.(1), Alwin D.R. Huitema (1), William Copalu (2), Yasuhide Yamada (3), Tomohide Tamura (3), Jos H. Beijnen (1,4) , Jan H.M. Schellens (4,5) Pharmacogenetically guided dosing of the anticancer agent indisulam normalizes the risk of severe hematological toxicity
William Faltaos, D (1), S. Urien (1), V.Morel (2), G. Kaloshi (3), k. Hoang Xuan (3), V.Leblond (2), Philippe Lechat (1). Population pharmacokinetic study of methotrexate in patient with lymphoid malignancy
Yim, Dong-Seok (1), Dong-Gun Lee, Su-Mi Choi, Wan-Shik Shin, Hyon-oh Lah(1) Population pharmacokinetics of meropenem in febrile neutropenic patients in Korea
Joerger, M., A.D.R. Huitema, V. D. Doodeman, H. Boot, R. W. Sparidans, J.H. Beijnen, J.H.M. Schellens Epirubicin pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics and metabolic pathway-associated gene polymorphisms: Significant influence of the novel UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 promoter mutation -66T>C
Tajima, Takeshi(1), Akihiro Yokoi (1), Peiming Ma (2), Ryosei Kawai (1) Population approach to assess the relationship of cyclosporin exposure and renal dysfunction in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis
van Hest, Reinier1, Teun van Gelder1,2, Arnold Vulto1, Leslie Shaw3, Ron Mathôt1 Pharmacokinetic modeling of plasma protein binding of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant recipients
Verbeke, Geert Mixed models for the analysis of categorical repeated measures
Matthews, Ivan (1), Smith, Fang Gao (2), Aarons, Leon (1) Pharmacokinetics of a single bolus of propofol in Chinese children of different ages
Testart, D.(1), G. Blanc(2), P. Delrat(1), T. Shepard(1) Development of a tool to simulate intra-individual variability encountered in animals from standard preclinical toxicological study
Friberg, Lena E.(1), An M. Vermeulen(2), Mats O. Karlsson(1) A mechanism-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model of the time-course of prolactin following antipsychotic drug treatment
Miller, Raymond , Howard Bockbrader, Sunny Chapel. Comparision of Pregabalin and Gabapentin Pharmacodynamics in Patients with Refractory Partial Seizures.
Duffull, S B (1), G Graham (2), K Mengersen (3) Bayesian Estimation of Optimal Sampling Times for Pharmacokinetic Models
Mills, Richard (1,2), Kayode Ogungbenro (1) & Leon Aarons (1) Simultaneous fitting of the Minimal Model to IVGTT and Glucose Clamp Data
Marchand, M. (1), O. Petricoul (1), E. Fuseau (1), D. Bentley (2), D. Critchley (2) Extrapolation from preclinical PKPD data to clinical response, Application to a new antiepileptic medication (drug X)
Al Za’abi MA (1), Xiaonian X (2), Donovan T (3), Charles BG (1) Use of Routine Data for Determination of the Population Pharmacokinetics and Enteral Bioavailability of Phenytoin in Neonates and Infants with Seizures
Panhard, Xavière and Adeline Samson Extension of the SAEM algorithm for the estimation of Inter-Occasion Variability: application to the population pharmacokinetics of nelfinavir and its metabolite M8
Prins, K (1), B. Poland (1), V. Nicolas (2), H. Porchet (2), P. Scalfaro (2), R. Bruno (1) Modeling and Simulation of DEBIO-025 to Support Design of a Dose-Response Monotherapy Study in HIV-1 infected Patients
Gaynor, Clare (1), Dunne, Adrian (1) and Davis, John (2) Comparison of conventional In Vitro - In Vivo Correlation methodology with non-linear mixed effects modelling
Langdon G (1), Gueorguieva I (2), Aarons L (3), Karlsson MO (1) Linking preclinical and clinical whole body physiologically-based pharmacokinetic models with prior distributions in NONMEM
Cronier, D. (1,5), E. Grenier (2), M. Lecomte (3), V. Autier (3), B. Ladstetter (4), L. J. Aarons (5), and J.P. Boissel (1) Modelling of insulin secretion: from beta-cell physiology to sulphonylurea-mediated insulin secretion
Carlsson, Kristin C., Radojka M. Savic, Andrew Hooker, Mats O. Karlsson. Mixture models in NONMEM - how to find the individual probability of belonging to a specific mixture, and why this can be useful information
Lindbom, L.(1), K. Tunblad(1), L. McFadyen(2), E.N. Jonsson(1), S. Marshall(2), M. O. Karlsson(1) The use of clinical irrelevance criteria in covariate model building with application to dofetilide pharmacokinetic data
Gibiansky, Leonid, Marc R. Gastonguay R/NONMEM Toolbox for Simulation from Posterior Parameter (Uncertainty) Distributions
Silber, Hanna E., Maria C. Kjellsson and Mats O. Karlsson The likelihood ratio test appears robust to most residual error model misspecifications
Hamrén, Bengt(1), Elisabeth Björk (1), Mats O. Karlsson (2) Mechanism-based pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modelling of tesaglitazar in type 2 diabetes patients
Boström, Emma, Ulrika S. H. Simonsson and Margareta Hammarlund-Udenaes In vivo blood-brain barrier transport of oxycodone in the rat – active influx and implications for PK/PD
Bogacka, Barbara (1) Maciej Patan (2) Efficient Sampling Windows for Parameter Estimation in Population Models
Vis, Peter (1), Vanitha Sekar (2), Erno van Schaick (1) and Richard Hoetelmans (3) Development and application of a population pharmacokinetic model of TMC114 in healthy volunteers and HIV-1 infected subjects after administration of TMC114 in combination with low dose ritonavir
Wallin, Johan E, Friberg Lena E., Karlsson Mats O. An Adaptive Dosing Tool For Etoposide Using Neutrophil Counts Based on a Semi-Physiological Model
Dokoumetzidis, Aris and Leon Aarons Direct application of Bayes theorem for the combination of population pharmacokinetic analyses.
Dansirikul, C. H.E. Silber, M.O. Karlsson Comparison of models for baseline
Bulitta, J.(1), T. P. Lodise(2), G. L. Drusano(3), M. Kinzig-Schippers(1), U. Holzgrabe(4), F. Sörgel(1,5) Bias and Uncertainty of Monte Carlo Simulations with Beta-Lactams
Hennig, S. (1,2), Wainwright, CE. (3), Bell, SC. (4), Miller, H. (2) Friberg, LE. (1) and Charles, BG. (1) Paediatric population pharmacokinetics of itraconazole and its active metabolite hydroxy-itraconazole in cystic fibrosis and bone marrow transplant patients
Kuester, K(1), A. Kovar(2), B. Brockhaus(2), C. Kloft(1,3) Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis for Matuzumab (EMD 72000) – A Humanised EGFR-Targeted Monoclonal Antibody
Post, T.M.(1), J.I. Freijer (1), W. de Winter (1), B.A. Ploeger (1,2) Accurate Interpretation of the Visual Predictive Check in order to Evaluate Model Performance
Matthews, Ivan and Aarons, Leon A population pharmacokinetic model for s-warfarin: application of a mixture model to determine genotype/phenotype.
Djebli, Nassim 1, Pierre Marquet1,2, Yann Le Meur1,3, Annick Rousseau1,4 Population pharmacokinetics of sirolimus in adult renal transplant patients and Bayesian estimation of individual systemic exposure
Lovern, Mark R , Ginny Schmith, George Dukes, David McSorley Using a Placebo Response Model to Optimize Clinical Trial Designs for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Therapies
Leary, Robert H. and Dunlavey, Michael Parallel Processing for Nonlinear Mixed Effects Modeling
Chantel, S.(1,2), P. Martin(1,2), P.Y. Petit (3), D. Massignon(4), X. Dode(1), P. Maire (5), R.W. Jelliffe(6), G. Aulagner(1,2) Pharmacokinetic variability of the absorption of enoxaparin used subcutaneously for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis
Dittberner, S.(1), V. Duval (2), A. Staab (2), H. Fuchs (2), M. Tadayyon (2), U. Graefe-Mody (2), H.G. Schaefer (2), U. Jaehde (1) Pre-Clinical PK/PD Modeling for a Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Inhibitor
Lehr, T. (1), A. Staab (2), C. Tillmann (2), D. Trommeshauser (2), A. Raschig (2), H.G. Schaefer (2), C. Kloft (1,3) Efficacy modelling of NS2330 in mild Alzheimer’s disease patients
Lehr, T.(1), A. Staab (2), C. Tillmann (2), D.Trommeshauser (2), A. Raschig(2), H.G. Schaefer (2), C. Kloft (1,3) Population pharmacokinetics of NS2330 and its major metabolite in Alzheimer’s disease patients
Valle M, Grasa E, Yritia M, Romero S,, Barbanoj MJ. Population Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic modelling of olanzapine effects on the electroencephalogram in healthy volunteers.
Dehez, Marion(1)(2)(3), Marylore Chenel(1), Roeline Jochemsen(1), Stéphanie Ragot(2) Population modeling approach of circadian blood pressure variations using ambulatory monitoring in dippers and non dippers
Zeumer, D., A. Staab, T. Lehr, C. Tillmann, K.-H. Liesenfeld, H. G. Schaefer PROPHET - A convenient and efficient environment for the use of NONMEM in a global pharmaceutical company
Bertrand, Julie, Emmanuelle Comets, France Mentré Detecting a gene effect in pharmacokinetic models: comparison of different methods
Holford, Nick, Carl Kirkpatrick, Steve Duffull NONMEM Termination Status is Not an Important Indicator of the Quality of Bootstrap Parameter Estimates
Lopez-Pintor E (1), Valenzuela B (1), Montesinos A (2), Martín-Villodre A (2), Casabó V.G (2) Population pharmacokinetics approach for salbutamol sulphate in rats
Edginton, A.N. (1), S. Willmann (1), M. Kleine-Besten (2) Use of a physiology-based whole-body population model to simulate the influence of anthropometric-, clearance-, and physiological-variance on the pharmacokinetics of drugs
Ortega, Ignacio , An Vermeulen, Vladimir Piotrovsky Concentration-response analysis of antipsychotic drug effects using an indirect response model
Lindbom, Lars(1), Justin J Wilkins(1), Nicolas Frey(2), Mats O Karlsson(1), E Niclas Jonsson(1,2) Evaluating the evaluations: resampling methods for determining model appropriateness in pharmacometric data analysis
Olofsen, E. Using the Lasso to simultaneously identify the covariate and variance-covariance structures of nonlinear mixed-effects models
Roy Pierre, Annabelle Lemenuel-Diot, Marylore Chenel Is it possible to perform equivalent simulations with NONMEM and TS2?
Paccaly, A (1), Speth, H (2), Jensen, BK (1), Maas, J (2) Non-Linear Population Pharmacokinetic Model for Otamixaban in Healthy Male Subjects
Claret, L. (1), P. Girard (2), K.P. Zuideveld(3), K. Jorga (3), J. Fagerberg (3), R. Bruno (1) A longitudinal model for tumor size measurements in clinical oncology studies
Hempel, Georg; Lanvers-Kaminsky, Claudia; Ahlke, Elvira; Müller, Hans-J.; Würthwein, Gudrun; Boos, Joachim A Population Model Describing the Activity-time Course of Pegylated Asparaginase in Children
Marshall, Scott1, Mike K Smith1, Eugene Cox2,3 and Jaap Mandema2,4 Application of PK/PD modelling in the development eletriptan DR for the treatment of acute migraine and prevention of headache recurrence.
Tousset, E.(1), H. Figueiredo (2),M.P. Schneider(2),O. Bugnon(2), B.Vrijens (1) Relation between patients’ variable compliance and office blood pressure in treatment-resistant hypertension.
Comets, Emmanuelle(1) and Céline Verstuyft (2) Analysis of digoxin data using Non-Parametric Maximum Likelihood (NPML)
Prémaud, A(1), Van Guilder M (2), Armstrong VW (3), Weber LT(3), Ghandi A (2), Oellerich M (3), Tonshoff B (3), Jelliffe R (2), Marquet P (1), Rousseau A (1) Population pharmacokinetics and Bayesian estimation of mycophenolate mofetil in paediatric renal transplant recipients using a non-parametric approach.
Armendariz Y2, Caldes A2 , Colom H1, Gilvernet S2, Peraire C1, Domenech J1, Grinyó JM2, Wilkins J3, Karlsson M3. Population pharmacokinetics of Valganciclovir in solid organ transplant recipients infected by cytomegalovirus
Fernández-Teruel C, Navarro-Fontestad MC, González-Álvarez I, Bermejo M, Casabo VG Sparse sampling designs: a new method for estimating the complete AUC and its standard error
Holford, Nick, Goonaseelan (Colin) Pillai, Sandip Roy, Andrej Skerjanec, Serge Cremers, William Collins, Jean-Louis Steimer Population pharmacokinetics of balicatib, a cathepsin K inhibitor
Holford, Nick, Goonaseelan (Colin) Pillai, Nitin Kaila, William Collins, Sandip Roy, Serge Cremers, Ulrich Trechsel, Florilene Bouisset, Jean-Louis Steimer PKPD model for cathepsin K inhibition with balicatib and changes in bone turnover biomarkers, in particular NTx
Nestorov, I.1, A. Munafo2, O. Papasouliotis2, J. Visich1 and M. Rogge1 Population modeling of the relationship between TACI Ig exposure and biomarker response in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Hutmacher, Matthew M, Sriram Krishnaswami An extension of the indirect response models to ordered categorical pharmacodynamic data using latent variables
Hing, Jeremy(1), Juan Jose Perez-Ruixo(1), Kim Stuyckens(1), Peter Zannikos(1), Arturo Soto-Matos(2), César Picó(2), Antoine Yver(1) and Andrew Chow(1) Population PK/PD Modelling & Simulation of Hematological Toxicity of Trabectedin in Cancer Subjects
Gupta, M, K Wade, B Jayaraman, J Mondick, JS Barrett Optimizing Fluconazole Dosing in Preterm Neonates Based on Simulations from Posterior Parameter (Uncertainty) Distributions
Quartino, Angelica L., Lena E. Friberg, Mats O. Karlsson A simultaneous analysis of the time course of leukocytes and neutrophils following docetaxel administration using a semi-mechanistic model
Dodds, M.G. (1), J.E. Visich(1), I. Nestorov(1), R. Overgaard(2), M.C. Rogge(1) Population pharmacodynamic model of the effects of recombinant human interleukin 21 on platelets in humans
Perez Ruixo, Juan Jose Optimizing the Design of Phase I Studies of Erythropoietin Receptor Agonist Through Mechanism-Based PK/PD Modeling and Simulation
Ramón-López A. (1), Nalda-Molina R. (1), Valenzuela B. (1), Pérez Ruixo J.J.(1), Jiménez Torres N.V.(2), Semi-mechanistic KPD model for haematological toxicity in breast cancer patients receiving high dose of chemotherapy
Nalda-Molina, R (1), Bermejo M. (2), Casabó V.G. (2) A simple physiological-pharmacokinetic model to simulate bioequivalence trials
Weatherley B., L. McFadyen, P. Milligan Population Analysis of Maraviroc Phase 1 Noncompartmental Pharmacokinetic Data
Nekka, Fahima (1,2), Caroline-E. Petit-jetté (1), Jun Li (1,2), Denis Gohore Bi (1), Renée Bergeron (3), Jérome del Castillo (4) Therapeutic modelling and analysis of random feeding features of feed-administered chlortetracycline
Wilkins, Justin J (1), Karlsson, Mats O (1), Jonsson, E Niclas (2) Patterns and power for the visual predictive check
Nielsen, Elisabet I(1), Uwe Ewald (2), Lena E Friberg (1) Population Pharmacokinetics of Gentamicin in Preterm and Term Newborn Infants
Hussein, Ziad(1), Brigitte Lacroix(2), Maria-Laura Sargentini-Maier(2) Population pharmacokinetics of the new antiepileptic drug brivaracetam