Zandvliet, Anthe S.(1), Alwin D.R. Huitema (1), William Copalu (2), Yasuhide Yamada (3), Tomohide Tamura (3), Jos H. Beijnen (1,4) , Jan H.M. Schellens (4,5) Pharmacogenetically guided dosing of the anticancer agent indisulam normalizes the risk of severe hematological toxicity
William Faltaos, D (1), S. Urien (1), V.Morel (2), G. Kaloshi (3), k. Hoang Xuan (3), V.Leblond (2), Philippe Lechat (1). Population pharmacokinetic study of methotrexate in patient with lymphoid malignancy
Wallin, Johan E, Friberg Lena E., Karlsson Mats O. An Adaptive Dosing Tool For Etoposide Using Neutrophil Counts Based on a Semi-Physiological Model
Kuester, K(1), A. Kovar(2), B. Brockhaus(2), C. Kloft(1,3) Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis for Matuzumab (EMD 72000) – A Humanised EGFR-Targeted Monoclonal Antibody
Claret, L. (1), P. Girard (2), K.P. Zuideveld(3), K. Jorga (3), J. Fagerberg (3), R. Bruno (1) A longitudinal model for tumor size measurements in clinical oncology studies
Hempel, Georg; Lanvers-Kaminsky, Claudia; Ahlke, Elvira; Müller, Hans-J.; Würthwein, Gudrun; Boos, Joachim A Population Model Describing the Activity-time Course of Pegylated Asparaginase in Children
Hing, Jeremy(1), Juan Jose Perez-Ruixo(1), Kim Stuyckens(1), Peter Zannikos(1), Arturo Soto-Matos(2), César Picó(2), Antoine Yver(1) and Andrew Chow(1) Population PK/PD Modelling & Simulation of Hematological Toxicity of Trabectedin in Cancer Subjects
Quartino, Angelica L., Lena E. Friberg, Mats O. Karlsson A simultaneous analysis of the time course of leukocytes and neutrophils following docetaxel administration using a semi-mechanistic model
Dodds, M.G. (1), J.E. Visich(1), I. Nestorov(1), R. Overgaard(2), M.C. Rogge(1) Population pharmacodynamic model of the effects of recombinant human interleukin 21 on platelets in humans
Ramón-López A. (1), Nalda-Molina R. (1), Valenzuela B. (1), Pérez Ruixo J.J.(1), Jiménez Torres N.V.(2), Semi-mechanistic KPD model for haematological toxicity in breast cancer patients receiving high dose of chemotherapy