L Aarons(1) , LP Balant(2) , F Mentre(3) , PL Morselli(4) , M Rowland(1) , J-L Steimer(5) , S Vozeh(6) Practical Experience and Issues in Designing and Performing Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Studies
J. Bennet(1) , LF.Lacey(2) , K. Koch(3) , A. Bye(2) Determination of the Population Pharmacokinetics of Bismuth from GR122311X in Healthy Volunteers using the Gibbs Sampler Bayesian Method.
N.J. Bruce, A.H. Thomson, H.L. Elliott Population Pharmacokinetics of Tacrolimus in Liver Transplant Patients
P.Burtin, J. vanBree, F. Mentre, S. Hensel, J.L. Steimer A Prospective Evaluation of Sparse Sampling for Toxicokinetics in the Course of Drug Development.
Valirie Cosson, Eliane Fuseau, Ph D, Constantin Efthymiopoulos, Alan Bye, Ph D From Animal to Man
Karin E. Fattinger, Davide Verotta, Herve C. Porchet, Alain Munafo, Jean-Yves le Cotonnec and Lewis B. Sheiner Pharmacokinetic/-Dynamic Modeling of a Bivariate Control System: Luteinizing Hormone and Testosterone Response to GnRH Antagonist Antide
L. Harnisch(1) , W. Weber(1) , E. Sultan(2) Population Approach to Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics of a New Drug under Development
D. Hille(1) , R. Bruno(2) , S. Durrleman1, L. Sheiner(3) , Relationship Between the Pharmacokinetics and the Pharmacodynamics of Taxotere (RP56976, DOCETAXEL) in Cancer Patients
Niclas Jonsson(1) , Janet R Wade(1) , Gun Almqvist(2) and Mats O Karlsson(1) Discrimination between Rival Dosing Histories
Karlsson M.(1) , Milligan P.(2) , Nichols D.(2) Determination of Relative Potency for Drug and Metabolite in Vivo
F. Keller(1) , D. Zellner(1) , T. Frankewitsch(1) , M.Giehl(2) Population Kinetics and Individual Drug Dosage Adjustment
C. Laveille, N. Frey, G. Lerebours, G. Resplandy, Jochemsen, R. Population Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic of a New Specific Bradycardic Agent: S-16257
SF Marshall, HL Elliott, and PA Meredith Prediction of Simvastatin Pharmacological Response: A Population Analysis
Ferdie Rombout An Industrial Perspective: Practical Stages in Model Development
Jon Wakefield 42 Bayesian Individualization via Sampling-Based Methods.
W. Weber(1) , L. Harnisch(1) , M. Zimmer(1) , P. Crause(2) , B. Katgely(1) Optimization of a ''First Dose in Man'' Study using a NONMEM Model for Mammals